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Builds by RobotXYZ
Experience: Moderate
Class Build Votes Tags Race Level Author Game
1-20 friendly version of Champion Baleful Fury Master 1-20 friendly version of Champion Baleful Fury Master
M (11), F (10), Cle (7), DC (2)
0 Gray Orc 30 RobotXYZ x2
18 Soz Pure Archer 18 Soz Pure Archer
F (8), AA (9), Wiz (1)
0   Moon Elf 18 RobotXYZ x2
4 Attributes AC Battle Cleric with Amulet of Betrayer 4 Attributes AC Battle Cleric with Amulet of Betrayer
Cle (18), Dls (10), M (1), SD (1)
0   Aasimar 30 RobotXYZ x2
(4BC) holy hands of Ishtishia (4BC) holy hands of Ishtishia
Cle (13), SB (3), F (2), Ra (2)
0   Human 20 RobotXYZ x2
4BC Sheila Wavren - Lucky Monk - comparison to kama no kaze 4BC Sheila Wavren - Lucky Monk - comparison to kama no kaze
F (24), Cle (3), M (2), Ra (1)
0   Human 30 RobotXYZ x2
(4BC) Two Hands (4BC) Two Hands
Cle (12), Ra (3), SB (3), F (2)
0   Human 20 RobotXYZ x2
(4BC) Vigilante of Amn (4BC) Vigilante of Amn
Ra (16), Pal (2), Cle (1), Ro (1)
0   Yuan-ti Pureblood 20 RobotXYZ x2
(4BC) Vigilante of Chult (4BC) Vigilante of Chult
Ra (15), Pal (3), Cle (1), Ro (1)
0   Yuan-ti Pureblood 20 RobotXYZ x2
5555 Rage Trooper 5555 Rage Trooper
Brb (5), Brd (5), F (5), FB (5)
0   Human 20 RobotXYZ x2
99 bottles of beer on the wall - (updated) 99 bottles of beer on the wall - (updated)
Brd (12), F (10), DD (7), PM (1)
1 Shield Dwarf 30 RobotXYZ x2
Another melee warlock for OC Another melee warlock for OC
Wlk (8), IB (5), NN (4), Ra (3)
0   Wood Elf 20 RobotXYZ x2
Another Spear Guy Another Spear Guy
Cle (7), SL (10), WM (7), Dls (6)
0   Yuan-ti Pureblood 30 RobotXYZ x2
Favored Soul
arcane and divine FS bard arcane and divine FS bard
FS (12), EK (10), Brd (8)
0   Human 30 RobotXYZ x2
Ascendant Raider Balladeer Ascendant Raider Balladeer
Brd (23), BG (3), RDD (2), FB (2)
1   Yuan-ti Pureblood 30 RobotXYZ x2
August the Gish: playable alertness bug build August the Gish: playable alertness bug build
F (8), EK (10), FS (7), Wiz (5)
0 Sun Elf 30 RobotXYZ x2
Bandit King Bandit King
F (12), RDD (4), STA (3), Sor (1)
0   Human 20 RobotXYZ x2
Barb/duelist skillmonkey raging stabby (now halfling) Barb/duelist skillmonkey raging stabby (now halfling)
Brb (16), Dls (10), Ro (2), SD (2)
0   Strongheart Halfling 30 RobotXYZ x2
Bard be stilled Bard be stilled
Brd (26), F (2), Cle (1), PM (1)
1 Human 30 RobotXYZ x2
Barely a trickster Barely a trickster
Brd (16), Ro (11), AT (2), SD (1)
1   Strongheart Halfling 30 RobotXYZ x2
Bargain bin Fighter Magic User Thief Bargain bin Fighter Magic User Thief
Wiz (16), ASC (10), F (2), Ro (2)
1   Human 30 RobotXYZ x2
[BBCC] Built by Chance Challenge - Spritual Snake [BBCC] Built by Chance Challenge - Spritual Snake
Cle (13), Dls (8), FS (5), STA (4)
0   Yuan-ti Pureblood 30 RobotXYZ x2
Beezus Brambleberry Beezus Brambleberry
Cle (16), SL (10), Brd (2), DC (2)
0 Rock Gnome 30 RobotXYZ x2
Better Stronger Nightstalker Better Stronger Nightstalker
Ra (21), DD (7), M (1), SD (1)
0 Gray Dwarf 30 RobotXYZ x2
Blessed Songbird of Mieliki: Bard21FavoredSoul3EK5PM1 Blessed Songbird of Mieliki: Bard21FavoredSoul3EK5PM1
Brd (21), EK (5), FS (3), PM (1)
3 Human 30 RobotXYZ x2
Bluff the Magic Dragon Bluff the Magic Dragon
Ro (24), RDD (4), Brd (1), Cle (1)
1   Human 30 RobotXYZ x2