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Viewing builds tagged with "lots of immunities"
Class | Build | Votes | Tags | Race | Level | Author | Game |
Cleric |
40 str divine forest master
40 str divine forest master Cle (7), RDD (10), FM (10), Brd (3) |
5 | Yuan-ti Pureblood | 30 | Mictlan | kaedrin | |
Druid |
Archdruid of Kuldahar (The Storm)
Archdruid of Kuldahar (The Storm) D (18), SF (10), F (1), M (1) |
24 | Human | 30 | Cyphre | x2 | |
Druid |
Archdruid of Kuldahar (The Storm) - KCP
Archdruid of Kuldahar (The Storm) - KCP D (18), SF (10), F (1), M (1) |
8 | Human | 30 | Cyphre | kaedrin | |
Druid |
Archdruid of Kuldahar (The Storm) II
Archdruid of Kuldahar (The Storm) II D (18), SF (10), Brb (1), M (1) |
3 | Human | 30 | Cyphre | x2 | |
Druid |
Avatar of Nature
Avatar of Nature D (12), SF (9), F (8), M (1) |
3 | Human | 30 | Cyphre | kaedrin | |
Monk |
Bearded Buddha
Bearded Buddha M (20), F (8), FotF (2) |
0 | Shield Dwarf | 30 | iand | kaedrin | |
Monk |
Beavis M (20), SF (8), Cle (2) |
1 | Gray Orc | 30 | ripuanewhole | x2 | |
Druid |
BG:TSCC Master shapeshifter
BG:TSCC Master shapeshifter D (24), Ro (3), SD (3) |
0 | Human | 30 | yameha | x2 | |
Druid |
Black Raven Druid
Black Raven Druid D (26), SF (2), M (1), SD (1) |
4 | Human | 30 | Cyphre | kaedrin | |
Monk |
Butthead M (12), DD (10), Dls (6), DC (2) |
0 | Gray Dwarf | 30 | ripuanewhole | x2 | |
Druid |
Cambiaformas - Level 30 (Human) - Druida 20/ Monje 6/ Sacred Fist 4
Cambiaformas - Level 30 (Human) - Druida 20/ Monje 6/ Sacred Fist 4 D (22), M (4), SF (4) |
0 | Human | 30 | braquio | x2 | |
Druid |
Chosen of Silvanus
Chosen of Silvanus D (19), FM (10), Ra (1) |
1 | Wood Elf | 30 | wizardryforever | kaedrin | |
Favored Soul |
Cockatoosoul Genasi
Cockatoosoul Genasi FS (11), DC (10), MR (5) |
0 | Air Genasi | 26 | Akhanta | kaedrin | |
Druid |
Copy of Archdruid of Kuldahar (The Storm)
Copy of Archdruid of Kuldahar (The Storm) D (18), SF (10), M (1), SD (1) |
0 | Human | 30 | Adenozynotriv | x2 | |
Druid |
Copy of Archdruid of Kuldahar (The Storm) - KCP
Copy of Archdruid of Kuldahar (The Storm) - KCP D (18), SF (10), F (1), M (1) |
0 | Human | 30 | Rutrius | kaedrin | |
Paladin |
Divine Dragon Archer
Divine Dragon Archer Pal (9), AA (10), RDD (10), Sor (1) |
0 | Wild Elf | 30 | Omnicide | x1 | |
Cleric |
doomguide of the forest v2
doomguide of the forest v2 Cle (8), DG (10), FM (10), F (2) |
1 | Yuan-ti Pureblood | 30 | battlechaser | kaedrin | |
Druid |
Elven Wood Warden
Elven Wood Warden D (26), F (2), M (2) |
2 | Painted Elf | 30 | Cyphre | kaedrin | |
Druid |
Ember Guardian
Ember Guardian D (18), NW (5), M (4), FotF (3) |
0 | Earth Genasi | 30 | xx0izanderi0xx | kaedrin | |
Cleric |
Frost Warden (Cleric Version)
Frost Warden (Cleric Version) Cle (19), Mage (7), M (3), Wiz (1) |
2 | Human | 30 | Cyphre | kaedrin | |
Druid |
Frost Warden (The Seeker)
Frost Warden (The Seeker) D (20), Mage (6), M (3), Wiz (1) |
16 | Human | 30 | Cyphre | kaedrin | |
Druid |
Grove Warden
Grove Warden D (24), SF (5), M (1) |
3 | Human | 30 | Cyphre | kaedrin | |
Druid |
Grovekeeper of Silvanus (aka DrOoOid)
Grovekeeper of Silvanus (aka DrOoOid) D (26), F (2), M (2) |
5 | Human | 30 | Cyphre | kaedrin | |
Druid |
Kelafae Ember Guardian
Kelafae Ember Guardian D (30) |
0 | Drow | 30 | Cristiel | kaedrin | |
Paladin |
Lich-Bane Paladin
Lich-Bane Paladin Pal (9), DG (10), CotSF (10), Ra (1) |
0 | Aasimar | 30 | 231 | kaedrin |
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