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Viewing builds tagged with "zz - caster, dedicated"
Class | Build | Votes | Tags | Race | Level | Author | Game |
Wizard |
Abjuring Armored Arcanist
Abjuring Armored Arcanist Wiz (27), F (1), PM (1), DD (1) |
0 | Shield Dwarf | 30 | cmiller3rd | x2 | |
Wizard |
An Evoker [lvl40]
An Evoker [lvl40] Wiz (15), RWT (10), ASC (9), Mage (6) |
1 | Human | 40 | eidolon | rotn | |
Warlock |
Arboreal Pyrofiend
Arboreal Pyrofiend Wlk (26), HW (3), FotF (1) |
0 | Gray Dwarf | 30 | Stuflames | kaedrin | |
Wizard |
Arcanist Universalist
Arcanist Universalist Wiz (26), SD (2), PM (1), RWT (1) |
3 | Human | 30 | zuton | x2 | |
Wizard |
Archmage ( Copy ) Need help with this build please
Archmage ( Copy ) Need help with this build please Wiz (30) |
0 | Human | 30 | Zuplolz | x2 | |
Wizard |
Archwiz Wiz (10), RWT (10), ASC (10) |
0 | Human | 30 | hellfire | x1 | |
Spirit Shaman |
Banshee of the Revenancer
Banshee of the Revenancer SS (26), BG (3), WP (1) |
0 | Drow | 30 | jppablo_md | x2 | |
Bard |
Casting Storm singer
Casting Storm singer Brd (12), SSin (10), LT (7), SD (1) |
0 | Human | 30 | Redicular | kaedrin | |
Warlock |
Cheater Wlk (11), FS (5), HW (3), Asn (1) |
1 | Human | 20 | zuton | x2 | |
Warlock |
Copy of Master Blaster
Copy of Master Blaster Wlk (20) |
0 | Tiefling | 20 | hakkragor | x2 | |
Warlock |
Despair Reaver: Relative DC 33 Warlock
Despair Reaver: Relative DC 33 Warlock Wlk (26), BG (3), ?? (1) |
0 | Yuan-ti Pureblood | 30 | ATruth | kaedrin | |
Wizard |
Evasive Enchanter
Evasive Enchanter Wiz (17), RWT (10), SD (2), PM (1) |
5 | Human | 30 | zuton | x2 | |
Warlock |
Fey Skinned Fingerfiddler
Fey Skinned Fingerfiddler Wlk (17), Brd (1), Cle (1), F (1) |
3 | Human | 20 | zuton | x2 | |
Monk |
HIDDEN BADGER CROUCHING SPIDER M (12), Cle (6), D (6), Wiz (6) |
1 | Human | 30 | BuildosaurusRex | x2 | |
Spirit Shaman |
Iron Spirit
Iron Spirit SS (20), Wlk (7), SD (2), HA (1) |
0 | Human | 30 | eidolon | x2 | |
Sorcerer |
Lolita Sor (10), Ward (10), SwifB (9), Cle (1) |
2 | Human | 30 | Rismo | kaedrin | |
Favored Soul |
RoT - Divine Caster [CBRI]
RoT - Divine Caster [CBRI] FS (36), Pal (3), Cle (1) |
0 | Aasimar | 40 | MortisCorpus | rotn | |
Cleric |
[RoT] Auril's Priestess
[RoT] Auril's Priestess Cle (22), Mage (6), F (1), Wiz (1) |
1 | Human | 30 | AGhost_Seven | rotn | |
Cleric |
Seething Shade
Seething Shade Cle (11), SL (10), F (8), SD (1) |
3 | Human | 30 | Riverside01 | x2 | |
Spirit Shaman |
Spirit of War
Spirit of War SS (26), WP (4) |
1 | Aasimar | 30 | Riverside01 | x2 | |
Spirit Shaman |
Spirit Saves Shaman
Spirit Saves Shaman SS (23), BG (3), Pal (2), WP (2) |
0 | Aasimar | 30 | Fox News | x2 | |
Cleric |
Support Cleric
Support Cleric Cle (26), DC (4) |
0 | Human | 30 | Stuflames | x2 | |
Wizard |
Thayvian Merchant Arcanist
Thayvian Merchant Arcanist Wiz (6), RWT (10), ASC (10), Ro (4) |
0 | Human | 30 | jppablo_md | x2 | |
Bard |
The Constant Gardner
The Constant Gardner Brd (13), Cle (12), SSin (10), ?? (5) |
2 | Yuan-ti Pureblood | 40 | eidolon | rotn | |
Wizard |
W15, FM6, AS9 and RW10 for 40
W15, FM6, AS9 and RW10 for 40 Wiz (15), RWT (10), ASC (9), Mage (6) |
0 | Human | 40 | Itaasi | rote |
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