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Aliases: Great Master of Greed, Trove Lord, Wyrm of Avarice
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Greed
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Aerdrie Faenya
Aliases: The Winged Mother, Queen of the Avariel
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Air, weather, avians, rain, fertility, avariels
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
Aliases: Queen of Air, the Lady of Air, Lady of the Winds
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Elemental air, movement, speed, flying creatures
Favored Weapon: Flail
Aliases: The Triune Goddess, Queen of Arvandor
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Spring, fertility, planting, birth, defense, wisdom
Favored Weapon: Spear
Aliases: The Overgod, Lord Ao
Portfolio: Governance of the deities of Abeir-Toril.
Notes: Ao is not involved in the affairs of mortals, and most people consider worshipping the Overgod to be pointless.
Favored Weapon: Longsword
Aliases: The Defender, the Wary Sword
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Defense, war, vigilance, halfling warriors, dury
Favored Weapon: Short sword
Aliases: Frostmaiden, Icedawn, the Cold Goddess
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Cold, winter
Favored Weapon: Battleaxe
Aliases: The High One, Patron of Mages, Lord of Spells
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Wizards, mages, spellcasters in general, monks of the Shining Hand order
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
Baervan Wildwanderer
Aliases: The Masked Leaf
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Travel, nature, forest gnomes
Favored Weapon: Spear (Favored souls and War Domain clerics gain Monkey Grip in addition to Weapon Focus (Spear))
Aliases: The Strong, the Leg Breaker, the Son of Gruumsh
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Loyalty, stupidity, brute strength
Favored Weapon: Kukri
Aliases: The Black Lord, the Black Hand, the Lord of Darkness
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Portfolio: Strife, hatred, tyranny, fear
Favored Weapon: Morningstar
Baravar Cloakshadow
Aliases: The Sly One, Master of Illusion, Lord in Disguise
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Illusions, deception, traps, wards
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Berronar Truesilver
Aliases: The Revered Mother, Mother of Safety
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Safety, honesty, home, healing, the dwarven family, records, marriage, faithfulness, loyalty, oaths
Favored Weapon: Morningstar
Aliases: The Maid of Misfortune, Lady Doom
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Random mischief, misfortune, bad luck, accidents
Favored Weapon: Flail
Aliases: Master of Stealth, the Irrepressible Scamp
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Stealth, thievery, adventuring, halfling rogues
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Callarduran Smoothhands
Aliases: Deep Brother, Master of Stone, Lord of Deepearth
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Stone, the Underdark, mining, the svirfneblin
Favored Weapon: Battleaxe
Aliases: The Great Mother, the Grain Goddess, Earthmother
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Agriculture, plants cultivated by humans, farmers, gardeners, summer
Favored Weapon: Scythe
Clangeddin Silverbeard
Aliases: Father of Battle, Lord of the Twin Axes, the Rock of Battle
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Battle, war, valor, bravery, honor in battle
Favored Weapon: Battleaxe
Corellon Larethian
Aliases: Creator of the Elves, First of the Seldarine, Coronal of Arvandor
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Magic, music, arts, crafts, war, the elven race (especially sun elves), poetry, bards, warriors.
Favored Weapon: Longsword
Aliases: Prince of Lies, the Dark Sun, the Black Sun
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Murder, lies, intrigue, deception, illusion
Favored Weapon: Longsword
Aliases: The Hand of Fellowship, the Hearthkeeper
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Friendship, trust, the hearth, hospitality, crafts
Favored Weapon: Club
Deep Duerra
Aliases: Queen of the Invisible art, Axe Princess of Conquest
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Portfolio: Psionics, conquest, expansion
Favored Weapon: Battleaxe
Aliases: Lord of All Glyphs and Images, the Scribe of Oghma
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Glyphs, images, literature, scribes, cartography
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Dugmaren Brightmantle
Aliases: The Gleam in the Eye, the Errant Explorer
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Scholarship, invention, discovery
Favored Weapon: Short sword
Aliases: Keeper of Secrets under the Mountain, the Silent Keeper
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Buried wealth, ores, gems, mining, exploration, shield dwarves, guardian of the dead
Favored Weapon: Warmace
Aliases: The Dark Maiden, Lady of the Dance
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Song, beauty, dance, swordwork, hunting, moonlight
Favored Weapon: Bastard sword
Aliases: Goddess of Singing Waters, Mother Guardian of Groves, the Green Goddess
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Quiet places, springs, pools, peace, waterfalls
Favored Weapon: Unarmed strike
Erevan Ilesere
Aliases: The Chameleon, the Green Changeling, the Fey Jester
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Mischief, change, rogues
Favored Weapon: Short sword
Fenmarel Mestarine
Aliases: The Lone Wolf
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Feral elves, outcasts, scapegoats, isolation
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Finder Wyvernspur
Aliases: The Nameless Bard
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Cycle of life, transformation of art, saurials
Favored Weapon: Bastard sword
Flandal Steelskin
Aliases: Master of Metal, the Great Steelsmith
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Mining, physical fitness, smithing, metal-working
Favored Weapon: Warhammer
Gaerdal Ironhand
Aliases: The Stern, Shield of the Golden Hills
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Vigilance, combat, martial defense
Favored Weapon: Warhammer
Aliases: The Reaver, Master of All Weapons, Lord of War
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: War, skill-at-arms, destruction, plunder
Favored Weapon: Longsword
Aliases: The Tenth Lord of Nine, the Lost Lord of the Pit, the Hidden Lord
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Portfolio: Betrayal, cruelty, political corruption, powerbrokers
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Garl Glittergold
Aliases: The Joker, the Watchful Protector, the Sparkling Wit
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Protection, humor, trickery, gem cutting, gnomes
Favored Weapon: Battleaxe
Aliases: That Which Lurks, the Elder Eye
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Oozes, slimes, jellies, outcasts, ropers, rebels
Favored Weapon: Warhammer
Aliases: Wonderbringer, Lord of All Smiths
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Artifice, craft, construction, smithwork
Favored Weapon: Warhammer
Gorm Gulthyn
Aliases: Fire Eyes, Lord of the Bronze Mask, the Eternally Vigilant
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Guardian of all dwarves, defense, watchfulness
Favored Weapon: Dwarven Waraxe
Aliases: Earthlord, King of the Land Below, Below the Roots
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Elemental earth, solidarity, changelessness, oaths
Favored Weapon: Warhammer
Aliases: He Who Never Sleeps, the One-Eyed God, He Who Watches
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Orcs, conquest, survival, strength, territory
Favored Weapon: Spear
Gwaeron Windstrom
Aliases: Master of Tracking, the Tracker Who Never Goes Astray
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Tracking, rangers of the North
Favored Weapon: Greatsword
Haela Brightaxe
Aliases: Lady of the Fray, Luckmaiden
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Luck in battle, joy of battle, dwarven fighters
Favored Weapon: Greatsword
Hanali Celanil
Aliases: The Heart of Gold, Winsome Rose, Lady Goldheart
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Love, romance, beauty, enchantments, magic item artistry, fine art, artists
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Aliases: The Watcher, the Vigilant One
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Guardians, protectors, protection
Favored Weapon: Bastard sword
Aliases: The Doombringer, Lord of Three Thunders
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Revenge, retribution, poetic justice
Favored Weapon: Spear
Aliases: The Crying God, the Broken God
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Endurance, suffering, martyrdom, perseverance
Favored Weapon: Unarmed strike
Aliases: The Horde Leader, the War Maker, the Lieutenant of Gruumsh
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: War, combat, overwhelming numbers, strategy
Favored Weapon: Longsword
Aliases: The Water Lord, King of the Water Elementals
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Elemental water, purification
Favored Weapon: Warhammer
Aliases: Lord of the End of Everything, Scribe of the Doomed, the Pitiless One
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Fatalism, proper burial, guardian of tombs
Favored Weapon: Scythe
Aliases: Lord of the Dead, Judge of the Damned
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Death, the dead
Favored Weapon: Bastard sword
Aliases: Lady of the Dead, the Revenancer, the Vengeful Banshee
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Undead, vengeance
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Aliases: The Lord of Flames, the Firelord
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Elemental fire, purification through fire
Favored Weapon: Flail
Labelas Enoreth
Aliases: The Lifegiver, Lord o the Continuum, the Sage at Sunset
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Time, longevity, the moment of choice, history
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
Aliases: The Exile, the Gray Protector, Master of Crafts
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Portfolio: Magic weapon creation, artisans, magic, gray dwarves
Favored Weapon: Warhammer
Aliases: The Morninglord
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Athletics, birth, creativity, dawn, renewal, self-perfection, spring, vitality, youth
Favored Weapon: Mace
Aliases: Our Lady of Joy, Joybringer, Mistress of Revels
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Joy, happiness, dance, festivals, freedom, liberty
Favored Weapon: Shuriken
Aliases: Queen of Spiders, Queen of the Demonweb Pits
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Assassins, chaos, darkness, drow, evil, spiders
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Aliases: Maiden of Pain, the Willing Whip
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Portfolio: Pain, hurt, agony, torment, suffering, torture
Favored Weapon: Flail
Aliases: The Unicorn, the Unicorn Queen, the Queen of Talking Beasts
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Talking beasts, intelligent non-humanoid creatures
Favored Weapon: Spear
Aliases: The Cave Mother, the Blood Moon Witch
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Caves, orc females, home, wisdom, fertility, healing, servitude
Favored Weapon: Unarmed strike
Aliases: The Beastlord, the Black-Blooded Pard
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Bloodlust, evil lycanthropes, hunters, marauding beasts and monsters, stalking
Favored Weapon: Unarmed strike
Marthammor Duin
Aliases: Finder-of-Trails, Watch over Wanderers, the Watchful Eye
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Guides, explorers, expatriates, travelers, lightning
Favored Weapon: Morningstar
Aliases: Master of All Thieves, Lord of Shadows
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Shadows, thievery, thieves
Favored Weapon: Longsword
Aliases: Our Lady of the Forest, the Forest Queen
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Autumn, dryads, forest creatures, forests, rangers
Favored Weapon: Scimitar
Aliases: Lord of Song, the One True Hand of All-Wise Oghma
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Poetry, song, eloquence
Favored Weapon: Rapier
Aliases: The Soul Forger, Dwarffather, All-Father
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Dwarves, creation, smithing, protection, metalcraft, stonework
Favored Weapon: Warhammer
Aliases: The Lady of Mysteries, the Mother of All Magic
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Magic, spells, the Weave
Favored Weapon: Shuriken
No Deity
You follow no deity. Should you decide to become a cleric, ranger, druid, or paladin, you may be required to select a deity.
Aliases: The Lord of Knowledge, Binder of What is Known
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Bards, inspiration, invention, knowledge
Favored Weapon: Longsword
Red Knight
Aliases: Lady of Strategy, Grandmaster of the Lanceboard
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Strategy, planning, tactics
Favored Weapon: Longsword
Rillfane Rallathil
Aliases: The Leaflord
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Woodlands, nature, wild elves, druids
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
Aliases: The All-Seeing, Lord of Divination, He of the Third Eye
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Divination, fate, truth
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Segojan Earthcaller
Aliases: Earthfriend, Lord of the Burrow
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Earth, nature, the dead
Favored Weapon: Morningstar
Sehanine Moonbow
Aliases: Daughter of the Night Skies, the Luminous Cloud, Lady of Dreams
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Mysticism, dreams, death, journeys, transcendence, the moon, the stars, the heavens, moon elves
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
Aliases: Our Lady of Silver, the Moonmaiden
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Good and neutral lycanthropes, moon, navigation, questers, stars, wanderers
Favored Weapon: Morningstar
Aliases: Champion of Lolth, the Spider That Waits
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Drow warriors
Favored Weapon: Morningstar
Aliases: Mistress of the Night, Lady of Loss, Dark Goddess
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Caverns, dark, dungeons, forgetfulness, loss, night, secrets, the Underdark
Favored Weapon: Short sword
Aliases: The Dancing Lady, Mother of Cats
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Hedonism, sensual fulfillment, festhalls, cats
Favored Weapon: Unarmed strike
Aliases: The Night Lord, the Blade in the Darkness, the Stalker Below
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Night, thieves, stealth, darkness, the Underdark
Favored Weapon: Short sword
Aliases: Lady of Life and Mercy, the Shining Dancer
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Healing, mercy, romantic love, fertility, dancing, courtship, the moon
Favored Weapon: Flail
Aliases: Rider of the Winds, the Helping Hand
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Travel, exploration, portals, miners, caravans
Favored Weapon: Greatsword
Sheela Peryroyl
Aliases: Green Sister, Watchful Mother
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Nature, agriculture, weather, song, dance, beauty, romantic love
Favored Weapon: Sickle
Aliases: The Black Archer, the Night Hunter
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Hatred of the drow, vengeance, crusades, loss
Favored Weapon: Longbow
Aliases: Dancer in the Glades, Daughter of the High Forest, the Lady of the Woods
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Woodland glades, woodland fertility, growth, the High Forest, Neverwinter Wood
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
Aliases: The Divine Right
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Nobles, rightful rule of nobility, human royalty
Favored Weapon: Mace
Aliases: Oak Father, the Forest Father, Treefather
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Wild nature, druids
Favored Weapon: Warmace
Solonor Thelandira
Aliases: Keen-Eye, the Great Archer
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Archery, hunting, wilderness survival
Favored Weapon: Longbow
Aliases: Firehair, Lady Firehair
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Beauty, love, passion
Favored Weapon: Flail
Aliases: Lady of Poison, Mistress of Disease, Mother of All Plagues
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Pestilence, sickness, poison
Favored Weapon: Unarmed strike
Aliases: The Destroyer, the Storm Lord
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Storms, destruction, rebellion, conflagration, earthquakes, vortices
Favored Weapon: Spear
Aliases: Lord of Battles, Foehammer
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: War, battle, warriors
Favored Weapon: Battleaxe
Thard Harr
Aliases: Lord of the Jungle Deeps
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Wild dwarves, jungle survival hunting
Favored Weapon: Kukri
Aliases: The True, the True Deity, the Loyal Fury
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Duty, loyalty, obedience, paladins
Favored Weapon: Greatsword
Aliases: Lady Luck, the Lady Who Smiles, Our Smiling Lady
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Good fortune, skill, victory, adventurers
Favored Weapon: Shuriken
Aliases: The Even-Handed, the Maimed God, the Just God
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Justice
Favored Weapon: Longsword
Alias: Queen of the Depths
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Oceans, currents, waves, sea winds
Favored Weapon: Halberd
Aliases: The Crawler Below
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Greed, bloodlust, evil, hatred, uncontrolled impulse, spriggans
Favored Weapon: Unarmed strike
Aliases: He Who Must Be, Lord of the Earth, the Black Hound
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Earth, death, protection of the dead
Favored Weapon: Flail
Aliases: The Mighty, Captain of the Waves
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Sailors, ships, favorable winds, naval combat
Favored Weapon: Rapier
Aliases: The Vaunted, Archmage of Necromancy, Lord of the Forsaken Crypt
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Necomancy, necromancers, evil liches, undeath
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
Aliases: Merchant King, the Short Father, the Laughing Dwarf
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Wealth, luck, chance, non-evil thieves, suspicion, trickery, negotiation, sly cleverness
Favored Weapon: Longsword
Aliases: The Masked Lord, the Masked God of Night
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Thievery, drow males, evil activity on the surface
Favored Weapon: Short sword
Aliases: Merchant's Friend
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Trade, money, wealth
Favored Weapon: Club
Aliases: The Protector and Provider, the Nurturing Matriarch, the Blessed One
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Protection, bounty, halflings, children, security, leadership, wisdom, creation, family, tradition
Favored Weapon: Short sword
Aliases: White Hands, the Lord of Maggots, the Rotting one
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Death, disease
Favored Weapon: Unarmed strike