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Viewing builds tagged with "sorcerer"
Class | Build | Votes | Tags | Race | Level | Author | Game |
Sorcerer |
A Black Sorcerer
A Black Sorcerer Sor (16), ASC (10), BG (3), PM (1) |
81 | Human | 30 | Zhumtor | x1 | |
Sorcerer |
A Black Sorcerer Snake
A Black Sorcerer Snake Sor (16), ASC (10), BG (3), PM (1) |
0 | Yuan-ti Pureblood | 30 | Osama | x2 | |
Sorcerer |
A White Sorcerer
A White Sorcerer Sor (19), ASC (8), Pal (2), Cle (1) |
0 | Human | 30 | marty_ | x1 | |
Sorcerer |
Aasimar Eldritch Sorceror of Candlekeep (Sor 6/Pal 4/EK 10/ASC 10)
Aasimar Eldritch Sorceror of Candlekeep (Sor 6/Pal 4/EK 10/ASC 10) Sor (6), EK (10), ASC (10), Pal (4) |
2 | Aasimar | 30 | dkanter | x2 | |
Sorcerer |
Aasimir Sorc6/EK10/ASoc10/Pally4
Aasimir Sorc6/EK10/ASoc10/Pally4 Sor (6), EK (10), ASC (10), Pal (4) |
0 | Aasimar | 30 | kiaora | x1 | |
Ranger |
Apolo (LOA)
Apolo (LOA) Ra (15), RDD (10), M (4), Sor (1) |
0 | Yuan-ti Pureblood | 30 | andlsouza | x2 | |
Sorcerer |
Arcane Adventurer
Arcane Adventurer Sor (12), EK (10), HA (5), SB (3) |
1 | Half-drow | 30 | Keth | x2 | |
Sorcerer |
Arcanic Dragon Knight v.2
Arcanic Dragon Knight v.2 Sor (11), EK (10), RDD (6), BG (3) |
0 | Aasimar | 30 | feralfang | x1 | |
Sorcerer |
Arcanic Dragon Knight v.3
Arcanic Dragon Knight v.3 Sor (12), EK (10), RDD (6), SD (2) |
0 | Yuan-ti Pureblood | 30 | feralfang | x2 | |
Sorcerer |
Armored Still Gish
Armored Still Gish Sor (8), EK (10), ASC (10), F (2) |
0 | Human | 30 | lostender | kaedrin | |
Sorcerer |
Armoured SpellSword
Armoured SpellSword Sor (9), RDD (10), EK (10), Cle (1) |
0 | Yuan-ti Pureblood | 30 | Cerro | x2 | |
Sorcerer |
Autostill EDM Gish improved
Autostill EDM Gish improved Sor (6), SwifB (10), Ward (10), Pal (4) |
0 | Spellscale | 30 | Spellweaver | kaedrin | |
Sorcerer |
Bard Sorcerer Stormsinger HW
Bard Sorcerer Stormsinger HW Sor (9), SSin (10), Ward (10), Brd (1) |
0 | Feytouched (Lyrical) | 30 | Spellweaver | kaedrin | |
Sorcerer |
BGTSCC: Blackguard Sorcerer
BGTSCC: Blackguard Sorcerer Sor (14), ASC (10), BG (3), PM (3) |
0 | Human | 30 | blowuup | kaedrin | |
Sorcerer |
Black Sorcerer: Drow
Black Sorcerer: Drow Sor (16), ASC (10), BG (3), PM (1) |
0 | Drow | 30 | Haven Builder | x2 | |
Sorcerer |
Black-Knight Sor (9), BG (10), EK (10), Cle (1) |
0 | Human | 30 | ircln | x2 | |
Sorcerer |
Candlekeep Sorcerer (First Draft)
Candlekeep Sorcerer (First Draft) Sor (19), ASC (10), PM (1) |
0 | Human | 30 | Gassygunslinger | x2 | |
Sorcerer |
Charismatic Enchanter
Charismatic Enchanter Sor (10), Mage (10), Ward (10) |
0 | Star Elf | 30 | stack | kaedrin | |
Sorcerer |
Charming Stranger
Charming Stranger Sor (9), EK (10), ASC (10), Wlk (1) |
0 | Human | 30 | Neoxenok | x2 | |
Sorcerer |
Cold Hearted Snake
Cold Hearted Snake Sor (8), Mage (10), Ward (10), Pal (2) |
0 | Yuan-ti Pureblood | 30 | 231 | kaedrin | |
Sorcerer |
combat sorcerer
combat sorcerer Sor (6), EK (10), M (2), Pal (2) |
0 | Aasimar | 20 | TheDevilsApprentice | oc | |
Sorcerer |
Copy of A Black Sorcerer
Copy of A Black Sorcerer Sor (7), PM (10), ASC (10), BG (3) |
0 | Human | 30 | Niryain | kaedrin | |
Sorcerer |
Copy of A Black Sorcerer
Copy of A Black Sorcerer Sor (7), PM (10), ASC (10), BG (3) |
0 | Human | 30 | Rodoniasty | x1 | |
Sorcerer |
Copy of A Black Sorcerer
Copy of A Black Sorcerer Sor (16), ASC (10), BG (3), PM (1) |
0 | Human | 30 | Pikipoo | x1 | |
Sorcerer |
Copy of Sorcerer Pale Master Blackguard
Copy of Sorcerer Pale Master Blackguard Sor (7), PM (10), ASC (10), BG (3) |
1 | Drow | 30 | bobthebuilder | x2 |
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