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Viewing builds tagged with "25 caster level"
Class | Build | Votes | Tags | Race | Level | Author | Game |
Cleric |
70 AB, 400 HP Melee
70 AB, 400 HP Melee Cle (11), SL (10), F (8), Brb (1) |
0 | Gray Orc | 30 | Elirian | x2 | |
Cleric |
=A Mighty Sun Elf=
=A Mighty Sun Elf= Cle (13), SL (10), FB (5), SD (2) |
0 | Sun Elf | 30 | jonirrenicus | x2 | |
Cleric |
=A Walking Giant on the earth=
=A Walking Giant on the earth= Cle (13), SL (10), FB (5), SD (2) |
0 | Human | 30 | jonirrenicus | x2 | |
Bard |
Anointed Battlecyer for OC/MOTB
Anointed Battlecyer for OC/MOTB Brd (11), CL (10), AK (8), Cle (1) |
0 | Feytouched (Lyrical) | 30 | zerguu | kaedrin | |
Wizard |
Arcane Pale Swashbuckler
Arcane Pale Swashbuckler Wiz (7), PM (10), EK (10), SB (3) |
4 | Drow | 30 | Dreadnought | x2 | |
Wizard |
Arcane Warrior
Arcane Warrior Wiz (12), EK (10), F (7), Slay (1) |
0 | Human | 30 | EldritchKnight | kaedrin | |
Sorcerer |
Arcanic Dragon Knight v.3
Arcanic Dragon Knight v.3 Sor (12), EK (10), RDD (6), SD (2) |
0 | Yuan-ti Pureblood | 30 | feralfang | x2 | |
Cleric |
Axes agent
Axes agent Cle (8), SL (10), F (8), HA (4) |
0 | Human | 30 | GrafOrlok | x2 | |
Bard |
Canaith Lyrist
Canaith Lyrist Brd (14), CL (10), F (4), Ro (2) |
0 | Human | 30 | ArchAngelJuriel | kaedrin | |
Warlock |
Charismatic Sneaker Warlock
Charismatic Sneaker Warlock Wlk (26), BG (3), SD (1) |
0 | Strongheart Halfling | 30 | Parcae | x2 | |
Bard |
Decado's Challenge - failed - XD
Decado's Challenge - failed - XD Brd (11), ASC (10), RDD (8), F (1) |
0 | Aasimar | 30 | Aizen | x1 | |
Wizard |
Eldritch Dualist
Eldritch Dualist Wiz (12), EK (10), F (8) |
0 | Drow | 30 | plazek | x2 | |
Wizard |
HexiliosFWEK Wiz (12), EK (10), F (8) |
0 | Fire Genasi | 30 | Carrion | x2 | |
Warlock |
High AC Warlock
High AC Warlock Wlk (26), F (2), Cle (1), Ro (1) |
0 | Human | 30 | Parcae | x2 | |
Bard |
Jack of all Trades Rogue/Bard
Jack of all Trades Rogue/Bard Brd (15), CL (10), F (3), Ro (2) |
0 | Human | 30 | Annakie | kaedrin | |
Sorcerer |
Sali (MotB LP build)
Sali (MotB LP build) Sor (6), EK (10), ASC (10), SS (3) |
0 | Human | 29 | ShinesmanOffWhite | x2 | |
Fighter |
Spellsword of Candlekeep
Spellsword of Candlekeep F (8), ASC (10), EK (7), Wiz (5) |
0 | Drow | 30 | ChaosMaker | x1 | |
Wizard |
Swift Champion
Swift Champion Wiz (15), SwifB (10), SB (3), CW (2) |
0 | Drow | 30 | wizardryforever | kaedrin | |
Wizard |
Swiftblade based Gish
Swiftblade based Gish Wiz (6), EK (10), SwifB (10), Dls (4) |
0 | Tiefling | 30 | WrightOfWay | kaedrin |
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