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Viewing builds tagged with "elf"
Class | Build | Votes | Tags | Race | Level | Author | Game |
Bard |
01: Virtuoso Vicar
01: Virtuoso Vicar Brd (9), SSin (10), CL (10), Cle (1) |
3 | Star Elf | 30 | Kholai | kaedrin | |
Druid |
05: The Ninja of the Leafy Vine
05: The Ninja of the Leafy Vine D (11), ?? (10), Av (8), ?? (1) |
4 | Painted Elf | 30 | Kholai | kaedrin | |
Fighter |
Amlach Amaranel Us, "Dexterity and Wisdom are the keys to victory"
Amlach Amaranel Us, "Dexterity and Wisdom are the keys to victory" F (6), Brb (5), Temp (3), ?? (2) |
0 | Painted Elf | 16 | swillanFalkner | kaedrin | |
Bard |
Archer of the Order of the Great Shadow Wyrm of the Underdark
Archer of the Order of the Great Shadow Wyrm of the Underdark Brd (5), RDD (10), Asn (8), AA (7) |
0 | Drow | 30 | CyberTroll | x2 | |
Wizard |
Arch(er)mage Wiz (5), ASC (10), AA (9), EK (6) |
0 | Sun Elf | 30 | Formerly Rykard | x2 | |
Cleric |
Correllon Jr. - Cleric(30)
Correllon Jr. - Cleric(30) Cle (30) |
0 | Wood Elf | 30 | nicethugbert | x2 | |
Wizard |
Crafter Tracker Squire [SOZ Solo Campaign - Support Build, HiPS, Craftmaster]
Crafter Tracker Squire [SOZ Solo Campaign - Support Build, HiPS, Craftmaster] Wiz (28), Ra (1), SD (1) |
0 | Sun Elf | 30 | Ringhiero | x2 | |
Ranger |
Critical Unseen Ninja Treehuger
Critical Unseen Ninja Treehuger Ra (14), Ro (3), SD (3) |
0 | Wood Elf | 20 | Gnoger | kaedrin | |
Wizard |
Defensive fighter/wizard
Defensive fighter/wizard Wiz (8), BSin (10), SwifB (10), F (2) |
0 | Moon Elf | 30 | Heckur | kaedrin | |
Wizard |
DROW Wizzy/ASoC Wiz (23), ASC (7) |
0 | Drow | 30 | TGE0 | kaedrin | |
Warlock |
Eldritch Servant of Lloth (OC MotB)
Eldritch Servant of Lloth (OC MotB) Wlk (30) |
1 | Drow | 30 | DanielSchealler | x1 | |
Wizard |
Elf Wizzy/ASoC
Elf Wizzy/ASoC Wiz (23), ASC (7) |
0 | Sun Elf | 30 | Miku79 | kaedrin | |
Wizard |
Elven Spellblade
Elven Spellblade Wiz (8), EK (10), SB (7), IB (5) |
0 | Moon Elf | 30 | Cedeos | x2 | |
Fighter |
Grammaton Cleric Mk3
Grammaton Cleric Mk3 F (12), M (9), AA (8), Wiz (1) |
0 | Drow | 30 | Brandelaine | x2 | |
Fighter |
Grammaton Cleric Mk4
Grammaton Cleric Mk4 F (12), M (9), AA (8), Wiz (1) |
0 | Drow | 30 | Brandelaine | x2 | |
Wizard |
light/medium armored no-still gish
light/medium armored no-still gish Wiz (7), EK (10), BSin (9), F (4) |
0 | Sun Elf | 30 | faen | kaedrin | |
Wizard |
Magethief Wiz (17), AT (10), Ro (3) |
0 | Moon Elf | 30 | Soothing Darkness | x2 | |
Sorcerer |
Magic, Arrows, and Sharp Pointy Things
Magic, Arrows, and Sharp Pointy Things Sor (10), AA (10), RDD (10) |
0 | Wild Elf | 30 | AlexisTheory | x1 | |
Druid |
My OC Druid
My OC Druid D (19), Ro (1) |
0 | Sun Elf | 20 | Levenbrech | oc | |
Ranger |
Ranger Ra (30) |
0 | Wood Elf | 30 | Miku79 | kaedrin | |
Favored Soul |
Simple Archer
Simple Archer FS (25), EA (5) |
0 | Moon Elf | 30 | Neoxenok | kaedrin | |
Ranger |
Simple Ranger
Simple Ranger Ra (20) |
0 | Wood Elf | 20 | MiroKhel | oc | |
Wizard |
Spellblade Wiz (6), BSin (10), SwifB (10), EK (4) |
1 | Sun Elf | 30 | Sergejsvk | kaedrin | |
Fighter |
Steel Cyclone
Steel Cyclone F (18), WM (7), Temp (5) |
0 | Sun Elf | 30 | Crimson | kaedrin | |
Swashbuckler |
Sword and Spell
Sword and Spell SB (11), BSin (10), Dls (5), Wiz (4) |
0 | Sun Elf | 30 | wizardryforever | kaedrin |
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