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Viewing builds tagged with "power attack"
Class | Build | Votes | Tags | Race | Level | Author | Game |
Ranger |
A Demo
A Demo Ra (21), CW (7), F (2) |
0 | Wood Elf | 30 | Thorsson | kaedrin | |
Fighter |
A Redeemed Smiter
A Redeemed Smiter F (8), DC (10), Pal (6), BG (6) |
4 | Drow | 30 | Vejran | x2 | |
Fighter |
A Tough Little Nut to Crack
A Tough Little Nut to Crack F (14), RDD (10), NN (5), Brd (1) |
5 | Rock Gnome | 30 | Vejran | x2 | |
Ranger |
All-Purpose Dual-Wielder (Campaign)
All-Purpose Dual-Wielder (Campaign) Ra (26), F (2), Ro (2) |
2 | Tiefling | 30 | Vejran | x2 | |
Rogue |
Backcleaving (because backstabbing is SO last week)
Backcleaving (because backstabbing is SO last week) Ro (24), NN (3), F (2), SD (1) |
0 | Tiefling | 30 | Vejran | x2 | |
Barbarian |
Beast Brb (22), FB (5), FotF (3) |
2 | Gray Orc | 30 | Sergejsvk | kaedrin | |
Favored Soul |
Berserking rock gnome of Baervan Wildwanderer
Berserking rock gnome of Baervan Wildwanderer FS (15), FB (5) |
0 | Rock Gnome | 20 | blixen71 | x2 | |
Favored Soul |
Black Soul
Black Soul FS (20), Ro (4), BG (4), F (2) |
0 | Human | 30 | Taciturn | x2 | |
Warlock |
Blood Pact Warrior mk 3
Blood Pact Warrior mk 3 Wlk (16), F (6), FB (5), HW (3) |
1 | Human | 30 | savaze | x2 | |
Ranger |
Cobra Ranger
Cobra Ranger Ra (13), F (10), WM (7) |
0 | Yuan-ti Pureblood | 30 | Vokyal | x2 | |
Barbarian |
Collosus Brb (17), FB (10), F (2), Ra (1) |
0 | Earth Genasi | 30 | Arc | x2 | |
Fighter |
Copy of half orc
Copy of half orc F (12), DC (10), FB (5), Brb (3) |
0 | Half-Orc | 30 | Woot | kaedrin | |
Fighter |
Copy of Shia Surprise(V.2)
Copy of Shia Surprise(V.2) F (12), FB (10), Ra (6), SD (2) |
0 | Yuan-ti Pureblood | 30 | dracir001 | x2 | |
Favored Soul |
Copy of Valkyrie
Copy of Valkyrie FS (6), DG (10), WP (9), MR (5) |
0 | Human | 30 | Rutrius | kaedrin | |
Paladin |
Death's Knight
Death's Knight Pal (20), DG (10) |
1 | Human | 30 | PsychoGoblin | x2 | |
Warlock |
Dragonslayer Warlock of Tierdrial
Dragonslayer Warlock of Tierdrial Wlk (9), KT (10), Slay (10), Cle (1) |
3 | Human | 30 | Athero | kaedrin | |
Fighter |
Durzo Blint
Durzo Blint F (12), Asn (8), WM (7), Wlk (3) |
0 | Human | 30 | Beast | x2 | |
Cleric |
EDM/EPA CLR/FB Cle (14), RDD (10), FB (5), Brd (1) |
0 | Human | 30 | fengjingyu | x2 | |
Warlock |
Eldritch Sneak
Eldritch Sneak Wlk (28), F (2) |
0 | Wood Elf | 30 | Natzero | x1 | |
Fighter |
Elemental Berserker
Elemental Berserker F (12), AK (10), EW (5), FB (3) |
1 | Half-Orc | 30 | Bealzebub | kaedrin | |
Fighter |
Evil Peasant )
Evil Peasant ) F (16), RDD (10), BG (3), Brd (1) |
0 | Human | 30 | Dreamcather | x2 | |
Ranger |
Ewin Leonhardt, Wild Berserker
Ewin Leonhardt, Wild Berserker Ra (21), FB (5), Brb (2), F (2) |
0 | Human | 30 | Lyanheart | x2 | |
Cleric |
Forest Warmaster rev. 2
Forest Warmaster rev. 2 Cle (8), FM (10), Hos (7), FB (5) |
0 | Gray Orc | 30 | noce | kaedrin | |
Barbarian |
Frenzied Barbarian
Frenzied Barbarian Brb (17), F (8), FB (5) |
0 | Earth Genasi | 30 | tdadanny | x2 | |
Ranger |
Frenzied Necrophobe of Mielikki
Frenzied Necrophobe of Mielikki Ra (23), FB (5), Cle (1), Ro (1) |
0 | Yuan-ti Pureblood | 30 | Xaeraun | x2 |
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