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Viewing builds tagged with "favored soul"

Class Build Votes Tags Race Level Author Game
Favored Soul
001 Favored Dragon Soul 001 Favored Dragon Soul
FS (18), RDD (10), Cle (1), Sor (1)
2 Aasimar 30 Morvagor x2
【奥武神3修】奥法灵刃舞者 Eldritch Dancer of the Psionic Blades 【奥武神3修】奥法灵刃舞者 Eldritch Dancer of the Psionic Blades
Sor (7), EK (10), ASC (10), FS (3)
4 Yuan-ti Pureblood 30 Yanni x2
Favored Soul
A Favored Soul A Favored Soul
FS (21), RDD (5), Brd (2), Cle (2)
35 Human 30 Zhumtor x1
Favored Soul
A Favored Soul fighter A Favored Soul fighter
FS (23), RDD (4), Cle (2), Brd (1)
1 Human 30 mikeseaver x1
Favored Soul
A Favored Soul with both Feint and Expose Weakness A Favored Soul with both Feint and Expose Weakness
FS (23), RDD (4), Cle (2), Brd (1)
0 Human 30 bestly510 x1
Favored Soul
A Perfect Storm A Perfect Storm
FS (12), SL (10), DC (6), Cle (2)
0 Human 30 ccw x1
Favored Soul
Anointed Holy Soul Anointed Holy Soul
FS (12), AK (9), Pal (6), CotSF (3)
1 Yuan-ti Pureblood 30 TheDarkestLite kaedrin
Favored Soul
Another Variant on Zhumtor's A Favored Soul Another Variant on Zhumtor's A Favored Soul
FS (21), RDD (6), Cle (2), Brd (1)
2 Human 30 Jaufre x2
Battle Soul of Tempus Battle Soul of Tempus
F (8), DC (10), FS (8), FB (4)
0 Aasimar 30 Ostelios x2
Favored Soul
FS (26), BG (3), Cle (1)
0 Human 30 Fred1191 x2
Favored Soul
Blade of Helm (HotG mod) Blade of Helm (HotG mod)
FS (20), WM (7), F (2), Cle (1)
0 Human 30 Theely x2
Favored Soul
Chosen of Lurue (Playable DC-based Favored Soul) Chosen of Lurue (Playable DC-based Favored Soul)
FS (18), SL (10), Cle (1), SS (1)
2 Human 30 myriad x2
Favored Soul
Chosen of Sune Chosen of Sune
FS (20), Ward (10)
0 Human 30 wizardryforever kaedrin
Favored Soul
Chosen of Talos Chosen of Talos
FS (8), SL (10), ?? (10), BG (2)
0 Human 30 pained kaedrin
Favored Soul
CL 31 EDM Favored soul" FS/DW/MR/CN CL 31 EDM Favored soul" FS/DW/MR/CN
FS (20), ?? (8), MR (1), ?? (1)
0 Yuan-ti Pureblood 30 Triago kaedrin
(Concept) Gospel: Divine Hymn - 9th level spells + EDM + Hymn of Requiem (Concept) Gospel: Divine Hymn - 9th level spells + EDM + Hymn of Requiem
Brd (10), SSin (10), FS (9), Cle (1)
0 Human 30 Triago kaedrin
Favored Soul
Copper-Head Snake (Original Build) Copper-Head Snake (Original Build)
FS (9), RDD (10), FM (10), Brd (1)
0 Yuan-ti Pureblood 30 231 kaedrin
Favored Soul
Copy of Valkyrie Copy of Valkyrie
FS (6), DG (10), WP (9), MR (5)
0 Human 30 Rutrius kaedrin
Favored Soul
Copy of Zhumtor's A Favored Soul Copy of Zhumtor's A Favored Soul
FS (21), RDD (6), Cle (2), Brd (1)
1 Human 30 Jaufre x2
Favored Soul
Corgano's 2nd Build Corgano's 2nd Build
FS (16), DC (10), FM (10), MR (4)
0 Yuan-ti Pureblood 40 Corgano rote
Favored Soul
Corrupted Soul Corrupted Soul
FS (20), Wlk (6), HW (3), Cle (1)
1 Aasimar 30 Quviron x2
Favored Soul
Dark guardian of Helm Dark guardian of Helm
FS (18), WP (6), BG (3), NN (3)
0 Aasimar 30 Ada x2
Favored Soul
Death Destroyer {PR Agent}(Baritone/Bass & Bass Guitarist) Death Destroyer {PR Agent}(Baritone/Bass & Bass Guitarist)
FS (14), DG (10), Pal (6)
0 Aasimar 30 Grey Acumen x2
Favored Soul
Divine Favored Dragon Soul Divine Favored Dragon Soul
FS (18), RDD (10), Brd (1), Cle (1)
0 Human 30 Knifiel x2
Favored Soul
Divine Stalker Divine Stalker
FS (10), DL (10), Stalk (10)
1 Yuan-ti Pureblood 30 Telamont kaedrin