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Class | Build | Votes | Tags | Race | Level | Author | Game |
Bard |
Richard Geeshe
Richard Geeshe Brd (16), F (8), EK (5), NN (1) |
1 | Human | 30 | Vagg | x2 | |
Rogue |
Richard Hariss Vi
Richard Hariss Vi Ro (14), F (8), IB (5), SD (3) |
0 | Human | 30 | MrFester | kaedrin | |
Fighter |
Richard the Lyin' Heart
Richard the Lyin' Heart F (20), WM (7), Cle (2), Wlk (1) |
1 | Half-Elf | 30 | afuray | x2 | |
Fighter |
rickards build.
rickards build. F (19), FB (8), Brb (3) |
0 | Human | 30 | Eldric | x2 | |
Ranger |
Riddick build
Riddick build Ra (13), ?? (10), F (4), SD (3) |
0 | Human | 30 | spareacc | kaedrin | |
Cleric |
Ride on a dream Crow
Ride on a dream Crow Cle (10), RDD (10), Brd (8), SD (2) |
0 | Strongheart Halfling | 30 | PGen | x2 | |
Wizard |
Ride On (AC/DC Wizzy)
Ride On (AC/DC Wizzy) Wiz (26), PM (3), SD (1) |
2 | Sun Elf | 30 | Vagg | x2 | |
Ranger |
Ride the lightning
Ride the lightning Ra (11), SL (10), WP (6), NN (3) |
0 | Wood Elf | 30 | rbetieh | x2 | |
Favored Soul |
Ride the lightning! A brutal stormlord with a pinch of frenzy.
Ride the lightning! A brutal stormlord with a pinch of frenzy. FS (13), SL (10), FB (5), F (2) |
0 | Human | 30 | Sociopath | x2 | |
Druid |
Rider of the Storm
Rider of the Storm D (18), SL (10), M (1), SD (1) |
5 | Deep Gnome | 30 | Thorsson | x2 | |
Ranger |
Ridiculous Ranger
Ridiculous Ranger Ra (21), F (7), FB (2) |
0 | Wood Elf | 30 | schlonzerle | x1 | |
Fighter |
ridiculous WM
ridiculous WM F (15), WM (7), AK (6), CW (2) |
0 | Drow | 30 | Longshot007 | kaedrin | |
Rogue |
Ridley Freeborn
Ridley Freeborn Ro (10), AT (8), Wiz (6), ?? (6) |
0 | Human | 30 | power | kaedrin | |
Bard |
Riff on Double A's True-Dark Archer
Riff on Double A's True-Dark Archer Brd (8), Asn (9), F (8), AA (5) |
2 | Drow | 30 | Thorsson | x2 | |
Sorcerer |
Rift Torn
Rift Torn Sor (15), ASC (10), BG (3), F (2) |
0 | Spellscale | 30 | afuray | kaedrin | |
Ranger |
Riftstalker Ra (26), Cle (2), F (1), SD (1) |
0 | Yuan-ti Pureblood | 30 | Vejran | x2 | |
Ranger |
Riful (Melee/Bluff)
Riful (Melee/Bluff) Ra (17), SD (5), ?? (4), WD (4) |
0 | Moon Elf | 30 | silverque | kaedrin | |
Ranger |
Riful (Ranged)
Riful (Ranged) Ra (17), SD (5), ?? (4), WD (4) |
0 | Moon Elf | 30 | silverque | kaedrin | |
Cleric |
Rig Cleric Master
Rig Cleric Master Cle (6), SL (10), ?? (10), DC (4) |
0 | Gray Orc | 30 | metaquad4 | kaedrin | |
Fighter |
Rig Dwarven Tank
Rig Dwarven Tank F (8), DD (10), AK (10), NN (2) |
0 | Shield Dwarf | 30 | metaquad4 | kaedrin | |
Wizard |
Rig PM
Rig PM Wiz (10), PM (10), ASC (8), SD (2) |
0 | Yuan-ti Pureblood | 30 | metaquad4 | kaedrin | |
Scout |
Rig Rouge
Rig Rouge ?? (14), Ro (13), WD (2), F (1) |
0 | Deep Gnome | 30 | metaquad4 | kaedrin | |
Fighter |
Rig Tank
Rig Tank F (10), RDD (10), WoD (9), Brd (1) |
0 | Half-Orc | 30 | metaquad4 | kaedrin | |
Fighter |
Rigello DD Critter
Rigello DD Critter F (12), RDD (10), WM (7), Brd (1) |
0 | Half-Orc | 30 | metaquad4 | kaedrin | |
Wizard |
RIGELLO PM Sneaker Wiz (8), PM (10), ?? (10), Ro (1), SD (1) |
0 | Deep Gnome | 30 | metaquad4 | kaedrin |
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