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Viewing builds tagged with "alertness"

Class Build Votes Tags Race Level Author Game
All-you-can-eat Buffer All-you-can-eat Buffer
Sor (8), ASC (10), SL (10), FS (2)
0 Human 30 nemoudeis x2
Doran, the siege tower Doran, the siege tower
Cle (9), RDD (10), FM (10), ?? (1)
0 Deep Gnome 30 Chronepsys kaedrin
Favored Sorcerer Favored Sorcerer
Sor (6), EK (10), ASC (10), FS (4)
0 Human 30 TychoMaudd x2
Hot Tank Without AC: Unkillable Edition Hot Tank Without AC: Unkillable Edition
Wiz (10), ASC (10), SS (6), Brb (4)
1 Human 30 nemoudeis x2
Passionate Magic Passionate Magic
Sor (7), ASC (10), Ward (10), FS (3)
0 Human 30 Neoxenok kaedrin
Red Alert: Imminent Implosion Red Alert: Imminent Implosion
Wiz (5), RWT (10), ASC (10), FS (5)
0 Human 30 nemoudeis x2
Red Scholar Cleric of Tymora Red Scholar Cleric of Tymora
Wiz (7), RWT (10), ASC (10), Cle (3)
0 Human 30 Thrawn81 x2
Theurge Archer Theurge Archer
Sor (6), EK (10), AA (9), FS (5)
0 Wild Elf 30 nemoudeis x2
Spirit Shaman
Ultimate Elemental Caster Ultimate Elemental Caster
SS (7), ASC (10), PM (7), Sor (6)
0 Aasimar 30 nemoudeis x2
Favored Soul
Unsafe Divine Evoker Unsafe Divine Evoker
FS (19), Wlk (7), HW (3), F (1)
1 Human 30 nemoudeis x2