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Viewing builds tagged with "high saves"
Class | Build | Votes | Tags | Race | Level | Author | Game |
Bard |
A Frenzied Bard
A Frenzied Bard Brd (16), F (8), FB (5), Wlk (1) |
3 | Human | 30 | Zhumtor | x1 | |
Paladin |
A Holy Storm Lord
A Holy Storm Lord Pal (12), SL (10), DC (8) |
1 | Yuan-ti Pureblood | 30 | Dedal | x2 | |
Paladin |
A Holy Storm Lord Warpriest
A Holy Storm Lord Warpriest Pal (11), SL (10), WP (9) |
0 | Yuan-ti Pureblood | 30 | Dedal | x2 | |
Paladin |
A Paladin with EDM for OC/MotB
A Paladin with EDM for OC/MotB Pal (6), CotSF (10), ShinB (9), DC (5) |
7 | Aasimar | 30 | HolyAvatar | kaedrin | |
Fighter |
AdeptRogue's Deep Gnome Kaze no Kage Kama
AdeptRogue's Deep Gnome Kaze no Kage Kama F (12), M (11), Dls (5), SD (2) |
0 | Deep Gnome | 30 | AdeptRogue | x1 | |
Fighter |
An Orcish Monk - A suggestion made for Ghostcub
An Orcish Monk - A suggestion made for Ghostcub F (14), M (13), FotF (3) |
3 | Gray Orc | 30 | RemoraDFC | kaedrin | |
Paladin |
Annointed Templar: Wall of Mind and Steel - Pal(6) Templar(13) AK(10) CotSF(1)
Annointed Templar: Wall of Mind and Steel - Pal(6) Templar(13) AK(10) CotSF(1) Pal (6), ?? (13), AK (10), CotSF (1) |
0 | Aasimar | 30 | DerChefkoch | kaedrin | |
Warlock |
baneguard trollköder
baneguard trollköder Wlk (12), DC (10), BG (4), STA (4) |
0 | Yuan-ti Pureblood | 30 | herofactory | x2 | |
Favored Soul |
BDSM Lord FS (26), BG (3), Cle (1) |
0 | Human | 30 | Fred1191 | x2 | |
Warlock |
Beautiful Oath-Breaker of Sune
Beautiful Oath-Breaker of Sune Wlk (12), Ward (9), KT (7), Brd (2) |
2 | Feytouched (Lyrical) | 30 | Tsuki no Kissu | kaedrin | |
Spirit Shaman |
Black Shaman
Black Shaman SS (26), BG (3), Ro (1) |
0 | Aasimar | 30 | Alatriste | x2 | |
Fighter |
Bruteous F (12), FB (6), Ra (2) |
0 | Wood Elf | 20 | Frostnads | x2 | |
Cleric |
Clr/DC SoZ healer/archer(2man party)
Clr/DC SoZ healer/archer(2man party) Cle (20), DC (10) |
0 | Wood Elf | 30 | Moonwrath | x2 | |
Monk |
空çµä½“+ä¼ é—ª+震撼拳Copy of shadowdance-monk
空çµä½“+ä¼ é—ª+震撼拳Copy of shadowdance-monk M (20), SD (5), DC (4), Cle (1) |
0 | Deep Gnome | 30 | dongbo604 | x2 | |
Monk |
Defensive Monk Deep Gnome build
Defensive Monk Deep Gnome build M (20), DC (8), F (2) |
0 | Deep Gnome | 30 | Redfingers | x2 | |
Hexblade |
Doommaster of Beshaba
Doommaster of Beshaba ?? (7), WoD (10), ?? (10), BG (3) |
0 | Human | 30 | greatorc23 | kaedrin | |
Paladin |
Dragon Champion
Dragon Champion Pal (9), RDD (10), CW (10), Av (1) |
0 | Aasimar | 30 | Lyrsen | kaedrin | |
Paladin |
Fallen Champion
Fallen Champion Pal (6), BG (10), DC (10), NN (4) |
0 | Aasimar | 30 | pained | x2 | |
Warlock |
Fred Hallows The RoT Blaster (Based on Critheads guide)
Fred Hallows The RoT Blaster (Based on Critheads guide) Wlk (28), Cle (1), Ro (1) |
0 | Deep Gnome | 30 | Takman | kaedrin | |
Monk |
Good Incarnation M20/C1/SD1/SF8
Good Incarnation M20/C1/SD1/SF8 M (20), SF (8), Cle (1), SD (1) |
0 | Yuan-ti Pureblood | 30 | Trias_The_Betrayer | x2 | |
Warlock |
Hellfire Warlock Controller, Human version
Hellfire Warlock Controller, Human version Wlk (26), HW (3), Cle (1) |
0 | Human | 30 | Eternaldude | x2 | |
Favored Soul |
Inquisitor v2
Inquisitor v2 FS (8), SL (10), DC (8), Pal (4) |
0 | Aasimar | 30 | spony | x1 | |
Bard |
Jack of Demons
Jack of Demons Brd (21), RDD (6), BG (2), Cle (1) |
0 | Aasimar | 30 | notorius | x2 | |
Paladin |
Janther Divine Might
Janther Divine Might Pal (8), CotSF (10), DC (8), AK (4) |
0 | Aasimar | 30 | Jantheraw | kaedrin | |
Paladin |
Lucky defender
Lucky defender Pal (9), RDD (10), CotSF (10), Sor (1) |
0 | Aasimar | 30 | noce | kaedrin |
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