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Viewing builds tagged with "23 bab"
Class | Build | Votes | Tags | Race | Level | Author | Game |
Bard |
03b: The Gallant 2.0 - The Ultimater Inspire Courage build
03b: The Gallant 2.0 - The Ultimater Inspire Courage build Brd (21), ?? (7), ?? (2) |
1 | Feytouched (Lyrical) | 30 | Kholai | kaedrin | |
Monk |
A Hundred Deadly Blades.
A Hundred Deadly Blades. M (11), Ro (10), F (8), SD (1) |
4 | Tiefling | 30 | DoubleA | x2 | |
Warlock |
Beautiful Oath-Breaker of Sune
Beautiful Oath-Breaker of Sune Wlk (12), Ward (9), KT (7), Brd (2) |
2 | Feytouched (Lyrical) | 30 | Tsuki no Kissu | kaedrin | |
Bard |
Canaith Lyrist
Canaith Lyrist Brd (14), CL (10), F (4), Ro (2) |
0 | Human | 30 | ArchAngelJuriel | kaedrin | |
Paladin |
Draconic Paragon
Draconic Paragon Pal (15), RDD (10), F (4), Sor (1) |
0 | Aasimar | 30 | Celeborne | x2 | |
Rogue |
Drow shadow thief trader
Drow shadow thief trader Ro (20), STA (4), SD (3), BG (3) |
0 | Drow | 30 | narishma | x2 | |
Bard |
Epic Bard
Epic Bard Brd (26), SB (3), EK (1) |
0 | Yuan-ti Pureblood | 30 | Inulthor | x2 | |
Druid |
Ferox D (21), Dls (5), SD (2), M (1) |
0 | Aasimar | 29 | Lucadia | x2 | |
Druid |
Force of Nature
Force of Nature D (8), SL (10), Hos (7), EW (5) |
0 | Human | 30 | Lyoncet | kaedrin | |
Bard |
Holy Swift Dragon, Batman
Holy Swift Dragon, Batman Brd (9), RDD (10), SwifB (10), Cle (1) |
0 | Human | 30 | drinksoceanically | kaedrin | |
Warlock |
Kazak Wlk (24), BG (3), HW (3) |
0 | Human | 30 | SOLIDER | kaedrin | |
Fighter |
Mass Defender
Mass Defender F (10), DD (10), ?? (5), EW (5) |
0 | Shield Dwarf | 30 | uberg4m3r | kaedrin | |
Wizard |
Pale Poker Face Knight
Pale Poker Face Knight Wiz (5), PM (10), EK (10), IB (5) |
0 | Human | 30 | arruacas | x2 | |
Barbarian |
RP Build
RP Build Brb (2), Brd (2), Cle (2), D (2), F (2), Ra (2), Ro (2), Sor (2), Wiz (2), FS (2), SB (2), SSin (2), T (2), Av (2), ?? (2) |
11 | Half-Elf | 30 | nightshade793 | kaedrin | |
Rogue |
Shadowfighter 2
Shadowfighter 2 Ro (19), F (6), SD (5) |
0 | Human | 30 | kyle80 | kaedrin | |
Fighter |
Spellsword of Candlekeep
Spellsword of Candlekeep F (8), ASC (10), EK (7), Wiz (5) |
0 | Drow | 30 | ChaosMaker | x1 | |
Druid |
Stormwarrior D (15), SL (10), NW (5) |
0 | Yuan-ti Pureblood | 30 | Nightsilver | kaedrin | |
Rogue |
Swish Swash Stun
Swish Swash Stun Ro (16), Asn (9), SB (3), F (2) |
0 | Tiefling | 30 | Sand | x2 | |
Wizard |
Sword Coast Chronicles - Eldritch Knight
Sword Coast Chronicles - Eldritch Knight Wiz (8), EK (10), Slay (9), F (3) |
0 | Sun Elf | 30 | Lasitus | kaedrin | |
Bard |
Sybille Farlong
Sybille Farlong Brd (5), RDD (10), LT (10), KT (5) |
0 | Aasimar | 30 | IonutRO | kaedrin | |
Fighter |
The Arcane Failure
The Arcane Failure F (8), EK (9), PM (8), Wiz (5) |
0 | Human | 30 | Incantationem | x2 | |
Bard |
The Black Dragon
The Black Dragon Brd (9), BG (10), RDD (10), SD (1) |
0 | Yuan-ti Pureblood | 30 | feralfang | x2 | |
Druid |
"The Dragon" - Defender of the Wilds
"The Dragon" - Defender of the Wilds D (27), Cle (1), M (1), Hos (1) |
0 | Human | 30 | Triago | kaedrin | |
Druid |
Thugg Thunderson
Thugg Thunderson D (16), SL (10), Brb (4) |
0 | Gray Orc | 30 | escapinginmate | x2 | |
Monk |
Unarmed Dragon-Monk
Unarmed Dragon-Monk M (11), RDD (10), F (8), Sor (1) |
0 | Human | 30 | TvA | x2 |
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