Bastard Sword
Bastard swords are also known as hand-and-a-half swords, falling between the longsword and greatsword in length.
Base Damage: 1d10
Base Critical Threat: 18-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Slashing and Piercing
Weapon Size: Medium
Feat Required: Exotic
Weight: 6.0 pound(s)
The greatsword is an impressive weapon by any measure, and is held with two hands by all but the largest of creatures.
Base Damage: 2d6
Base Critical Threat: 18-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Slashing and Piercing
Weapon Size: Large
Feat Required: Martial
Weight: 8.0 pound(s)
The halberd is the most common polearm, and could be called a cross between a spear and an axe. Such weapons are often mass-produced for militia, and serve well when defending against marauders.
Base Damage: 1d10
Base Critical Threat: 19-20/x3
Base Damage Type: Slashing and Piercing
Weapon Size: Large
Feat Required: Martial
Weight: 12.0 pound(s)
The katana is the pinnacle of the swordsmith's craft, combining grace and artful design with razor-edged efficiency.
Base Damage: 1d10
Base Critical Threat: 18-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Slashing and Piercing
Weapon Size: Medium
Feat Required: Exotic
Weight: 5.0 pound(s)
The longsword is the weapon most commonly associated with knights and their ilk. There are many variations in the blade, but all are approximately 35 to 47 inches in length.
Base Damage: 1d8
Base Critical Threat: 18-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Slashing and Piercing
Weapon Size: Medium
Feat Required: Martial
Weight: 4.0 pound(s)
While obviously resembling the farm implement it is derived from, a scythe built for war is reinforced to withstand the rigors of combat.
Base Damage: 2d4
Base Critical Threat: 19-20/x4
Base Damage Type: Slashing and Piercing
Weapon Size: Large
Feat Required: Martial
Weight: 10.0 pound(s)