A Mad Gent's Gloves
The reputation of the penniless aristocrat-turned-self-proclaimed High Minister of Ao spread throughout Waterdeep like wildfire. Madachi Jhent had seen a vision of the High God, Ao, and taken it as a sign that he was to lead the new church of Ao. After he kicked a homeless man in the face and cured his blindness, he attracted many more followers. His fellow ministers were even more absurd than Madachi because they lacked the particularly intense fire that lit the High Minister's madness. When Madachi began his "kicking crusade" across Waterdeep, he rightfully should have been killed within the first few hours. Unfortunately for his would-be killers, Madachi's new followers defended him fanatically.
Soon after the beginning of the kicking crusade, Madachi started to realize that some of the people he was kicking were not actually suffering from illness. As he helped his victims to their feet, he noticed that his black gloves healed wounds at a touch. His faithful were enthralled at this new miracle. Madachi spread his new brand of healing across Waterdeep for days before he ran into trouble. When the High Minister kicked a priest of Bane, the dead god of hatred and tyranny, in the face, he was throttled. To make matters worse, Madachi insisted that the priest unhand him because "no servant of a dead god is fit to touch a servant of Ao." Even without the magic of his deity, the priest of Bane was more than a physical match for Madachi and his band of lunatics.
Special Properties
Cast Spell: Cure Moderate Wounds (10) 3 Uses/Day
Use Limitation: Class Cleric
Item Code: n2_itset_clr3
Chain Gloves
These gloves are reinforced with chain mail.
Special Properties
Item Code: gloves_chain
Elder Oak Gloves
Originally crafted by the druids of the High Forest from bark shed by the oldest living oaks in the wood, these potent gloves give the wearer a supernatural attunement with the natural world around him. The ancient treant Turlang is said to bestow Elder Oak Gloves upon druids who perform a great service in protection of the High Forest.
Special Properties
Ability Bonus: Wisdom + 2
Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Druid Level 1
Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Druid Level 2
Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Druid Level 3
Use Limitation: Class Druid
Item Code: n2_it_mglove001
Favor of Ilum Lura
The city of Nivian in ancient Illefarn observed an annual custom in which the six districts of the city vied for possession of the statue of a local hero. The tradition dictated that each of the districts participate in a non-lethal grand melee. The last combatant standing claimed the prize for his or her district. Since civic chaos was not the desired effect, each district had a champion that fought for its citizens. Though not required, champions often enjoyed a large morale boost when they had the patronage of a noble family.
In -1239 DR, the champion of the Artisan's District was a man named Beloran. Beloran was a man seemingly possessed by his desire to win the championship for his district. He had tried to do so for six years and failed each time. Unbeknownst to the citizens of the city, Beloran's sole motivation for participating in the melee was to earn the favor of the emperor's niece. The beautiful woman, Ilum Lura, had always politely rejected Beloran's advances. After six years of misplaced civic pride, Ilum's father commanded his daughter to give Beloran a token of her favor. She reluctantly did so, giving him a pair of riding gloves that he wore pinned to the shoulder of his sword arm. To the surprise of everyone outside the family, Beloran fought more ferociously than he ever had before. He won the statue for the Artisan's District. As custom dictated, this also meant that he was to receive a kiss from the lady whose favor he had worn into battle. Ilum gave Beloran his kiss and immediately retreated to her family estate.
In the following months, an inflamed and confused Beloran tried in vain to kindle a relationship with the elusive Ilum. She eventually agreed to meet with him, but only told him that her heart belonged to another. Deranged with grief at this revelation, Beloran journeyed into the deepest forests of Illefarn and was never heard from again. Those who saw him leave Nivian said that he was still wearing Ilum's favor upon his shoulder.
Special Properties
Ability Bonus: Dexterity + 4
Item Code: n2_itset_rgr2
Fists of Balance
An old legend tells of an order of monks who lived within a castle of ice submerged beneath a sea of fire, a symbol of balance and stability within a chaotic world. Though many have searched for this fabled contradiction, for the most part, only rumors have been recovered. Yet a few crazed adventurers have stumbled into this tavern or that tavern clutching a pair of these gloves -- keeping the legend from fading away and the curious searching for the elusive order.
Special Properties
Attack Bonus: + 5
Cast Spell: Flame Arrow (12) 1 Use/Day
Cast Spell: Ice Storm (9) 1 Use/Day
Damage Bonus: Cold 1d6
Damage Bonus: Fire 1d6
Damage Resistance: Cold 15/-
Damage Resistance: Fire 15/-
Use Limitation: Class Monk
Item Code: x2_glove_bal
Flaming Gloves +2
Known more for his flamboyant personality than his fighting technique, Glassun Moss represented everything most monks hate. He was impulsive, driven to acts of charity, followed by acts of extreme cruelty. He was lustful, talkative and boastful. Why he became a monk, no one really knew, except that he liked to fight with his hands. One night, in a drunken brawl, Moss lit his hands on fire. Despite the pain, he was so pleased with the fear in his opponent's eyes; he sought these legendary gloves for the rest of his life.
Special Properties
Attack Bonus: + 2
Damage Bonus: Fire 2
Use Limitation: Class Monk
Cast Spell: Fireburst 2 Uses/Day
Item Code: x1_it_mglove001
Gauntlet of Fury
This single wrought iron gauntlet was wrought by a former student of Laeral Silverhand Arunsun who joined the Red Wizards of Thay when he turned to evil.
An invisible but tangible field of force continuously surrounds the wearer, providing a bonus similar to a mage armor spell.
Once per day, the wearer can also cast a magic missile spell and a greater missile storm spell.
Special Properties
AC Bonus: + 2
Cast Spell: Isaac's Greater Missile Storm (15) 1 Use/Day
Cast Spell: Magic Missile (3) 1 Use/Day
Item Code: x0_it_mglove005
Gauntlets of Ironfist
These ancient gauntlets were worn by the dwarven kings of Clan Ironfist. Although clearly enchanted, these relics are believed to increase in potency when paired with the Belt of Ironfist. Together, the two artifacts enable the wearer to wield the mighty Hammer of Ironfist.
Special Properties
Ability Bonus: Strength + 3
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 1d4
Damage Bonus vs. Racial Type: Giant 1d8
Attack Bonus: + 1
Material: (Metal) Mithril
Item Code: nwn2_it_ifist_gaunt
Gauntlets of Ogre Power
While these magical items have been around for thousands of years, their popularity never seems to decrease. Recently, a party of adventurers out of Calimshan uncovered a vast treasure trove, filled with magical items like these. The sudden influx of magical gauntlets does not seem to have decreased their value, as every adventurer across the land clamors for the assistance of these useful artifacts.
Special Properties
Ability Bonus: Strength + 2
Item Code: nw_it_mbracer013
Gloves of Appraisal
At one time, almost every successful merchant in Waterdeep was reputed to own a pair of these gloves. Embroidered with the image of the goddess Waukeen, the supple balance of the glove and the sheen of its silk are enhanced with a minor magic to help the wearer better gauge the weight and quality of gems and other small goods.
During the Interdeium of Waukeen, many lost faith in the Merchant's Friend, and many such gloves were sold into general circulation on the open market.
Special Properties
Skill Bonus: Appraise + 3
Item Code: x0_it_mglove001
Gloves of Concentration
As age began to creep up on him, Beregost Hamish found it difficult to concentrate while casting challenging spells. The gloves he developed relaxed his mind in even the direst of situations. Before he died, Beregost made a fortune selling replicas of the original gloves to others in his chosen profession.
Special Properties
Skill Bonus: Concentration + 3
Item Code: nw_it_mglove004
Gloves of Spellcraft
In an effort to help stave off the expansion of the Mulhorand Theocracy, several Red Wizards of Thay worked together to create these gloves to assist the Magocracy that controls Unther. While the gloves assist mages in recognizing some of the powerful spells being cast, the superior numbers of the Mulhorand mages still gives them the advantage.
Special Properties
Skill Bonus: Spellcraft + 3
Use Limitation: Class Cleric
Use Limitation: Class Druid
Use Limitation: Class Sorcerer
Use Limitation: Class Wizard
Item Code: nw_it_mglove007
Gloves of Swordplay
It was the infamous swashbuckler, Eisneid Clume who first requested magical assistance to help her parrying ability. She had been run through in seven duels before she had the gloves made. Once the gloves were in her possession, Eisneid won over thirty duels without a single scratch. Finally, word of her magical assets leaked out, and the level of swordplay in Hillsfar increased dramatically.
Special Properties
Skill Bonus: Parry + 3
Item Code: nw_it_mglove009
Gloves of the Artificer
Though the true origin of gloves of this type is unknown, those sold in Waterdeep often claim to be functional replicas of a pair of gloves once used by Halaster Blackcloak to assist him in making the notorious traps of Undermountain.
Special Properties
Skill Bonus: Craft Trap + 3
Skill Bonus: Craft Alchemy + 3
Skill Bonus: Craft Armor + 3
Skill Bonus: Craft Weapon + 3
Item Code: x0_it_mglove003
Gloves of the Balanced Hands
Used as a training aid by the rangers of the Moonwood when tutoring aspiring students, these fine leather gloves allow the wearer to fight as if already trained in two-weapon fighting and ambidexterity.
Special Properties
Bonus Feat Two-Weapon Fighting
Skill Bonus: Parry + 2
Item Code: x0_it_mglove007
Gloves of the Hin Fist +1
Founded by a sect of isolationist halflings, the Monastic Order of the Hin Fist maintains a tradition of solitude paired with the belief that one must first master the self before one can attain mastery over the outside world. Monks of the Order fashioned these gloves with sonic properties so that the outside world could be forewarned of their training and thereby know to keep a distance.
Special Properties
Attack Bonus: + 1
Damage Bonus: Sonic 1
Use Limitation: Class Monk
Item Code: nw_it_mglove016
Gloves of the Hin Fist +2
Founded by a sect of isolationist halflings, the Monastic Order of the Hin Fist maintains a tradition of solitude paired with the belief that one must first master the self before one can attain mastery over the outside world. Monks of the Order fashioned these gloves with sonic properties so that the outside world could be forewarned of their training and thereby know to keep a distance.
Special Properties
Attack Bonus: + 2
Damage Bonus: Sonic 2
Use Limitation: Class Monk
Item Code: nw_it_mglove017
Gloves of the Hin Fist +3
Founded by a sect of isolationist halflings, the Monastic Order of the Hin Fist maintains a tradition of solitude paired with the belief that one must first master the self before one can attain mastery over the outside world. Monks of the Order fashioned these gloves with sonic properties so that the outside world could be forewarned of their training and thereby know to keep a distance.
Special Properties
Attack Bonus: + 3
Damage Bonus: Sonic 2
Use Limitation: Class Monk
Item Code: nw_it_mglove018
Gloves of the Hin Fist +4
Founded by a sect of isolationist halflings, the Monastic Order of the Hin Fist maintains a tradition of solitude paired with the belief that one must first master the self before one can attain mastery over the outside world. Monks of the Order fashioned these gloves with sonic properties so that the outside world could be forewarned of their training and thereby know to keep a distance.
Special Properties
Attack Bonus: + 4
Damage Bonus: Sonic 1d4
Use Limitation: Class Monk
Item Code: nw_it_mglove019
Gloves of the Hin Fist +5
Founded by a sect of isolationist halflings, the Monastic Order of the Hin Fist maintains a tradition of solitude paired with the belief that one must first master the self before one can attain mastery over the outside world. Monks of the Order fashioned these gloves with sonic properties so that the outside world could be forewarned of their training and thereby know to keep a distance.
Special Properties
Attack Bonus: + 5
Damage Bonus: Sonic 1d6
Use Limitation: Class Monk
Item Code: nw_it_mglove020
Gloves of the Long Death +1
Founded in distant Thay, the Monastic Order of the Long Death celebrates the passage from life to lifelessness in all of its forms. It is said by those who have survived encounters with the Order that the grip of its adherents is like the icy touch of death itself, not soon to be forgotten.
Special Properties
Attack Bonus: + 1
Damage Bonus: Cold 1
Use Limitation: Class Monk
Item Code: nw_it_mglove021
Gloves of the Long Death +2
Founded in distant Thay, the Monastic Order of the Long Death celebrates the passage from life to lifelessness in all of its forms. It is said by those who have survived encounters with the Order that the grip of its adherents is like the icy touch of death itself, not soon to be forgotten.
Special Properties
Attack Bonus: + 2
Damage Bonus: Cold 2
Use Limitation: Class Monk
Item Code: nw_it_mglove022
Gloves of the Long Death +3
Founded in distant Thay, the Monastic Order of the Long Death celebrates the passage from life to lifelessness in all of its forms. It is said by those who have survived encounters with the Order that the grip of its adherents is like the icy touch of death itself, not soon to be forgotten.
Special Properties
Attack Bonus: + 3
Damage Bonus: Cold 2
Use Limitation: Class Monk
Item Code: nw_it_mglove023
Gloves of the Long Death +4
Founded in distant Thay, the Monastic Order of the Long Death celebrates the passage from life to lifelessness in all of its forms. It is said by those who have survived encounters with the Order that the grip of its adherents is like the icy touch of death itself, not soon to be forgotten.
Special Properties
Attack Bonus: + 4
Damage Bonus: Cold 1d4
Use Limitation: Class Monk
Item Code: nw_it_mglove024
Gloves of the Long Death +5
Founded in distant Thay, the Monastic Order of the Long Death celebrates the passage from life to lifelessness in all of its forms. It is said by those who have survived encounters with the Order that the grip of its adherents is like the icy touch of death itself, not soon to be forgotten.
Special Properties
Attack Bonus: + 5
Damage Bonus: Cold 1d6
Use Limitation: Class Monk
Item Code: nw_it_mglove025
Gloves of the Minstrel
Lendoku Mar'hael was reputed to be one of the best performers of his generation. When his son, Gardoku, proved to be of only middling talent, Lendoku commissioned the development of these performance enhancers. The mage who developed the gloves heard of Gardoku's success and began selling similar gloves to Gardoku's competitors. The mage died shortly thereafter, outside a pub owned by the Mar'hael family.
Special Properties
Skill Bonus: Perform + 3
Use Limitation: Class Bard
Item Code: nw_it_mglove005
Gloves of the Rogue
The elderly Oghmanyte Milladolin found that age was affecting her and her fellows quite rapidly, causing their hands to shake and preventing them from performing many of their priestly duties. With Oghma's blessings, Milladolin created magical gloves that steadied their hands and heightened their muscle control. Years later, a young Oghmanyte was caught for thievery - guilty of using the gloves. Word spread, and soon the gloves themselves were stolen away.
Special Properties
Skill Bonus: Disable Device + 2
Skill Bonus: Open Lock + 2
Skill Bonus: Sleight of Hand + 2
Skill Bonus: Set Trap + 2
Item Code: nw_it_mglove003
Gloves of the Yellow Rose +1
Also referred to as the Disciples of the Saint Sollars, the Monastic Order of the Yellow Rose is known equally for its acts of great loyalty to its allies and those of great destruction to its enemies. Monks of this Order frequently travel alongside paladins of Ilmater, serving as trusted guides and companions to these knights of the suffering lord.
Special Properties
Attack Bonus: + 1
Damage Bonus: Electrical 1
Use Limitation: Class Monk
Item Code: nw_it_mglove026
Gloves of the Yellow Rose +2
Also referred to as the Disciples of the Saint Sollars, the Monastic Order of the Yellow Rose is known equally for its acts of great loyalty to its allies and those of great destruction to its enemies. Monks of this Order frequently travel alongside paladins of Ilmater, serving as trusted guides and companions to these knights of the suffering lord.
Special Properties
Attack Bonus: + 2
Damage Bonus: Electrical 1
Use Limitation: Class Monk
Item Code: nw_it_mglove027
Gloves of the Yellow Rose +3
Also referred to as the Disciples of the Saint Sollars, the Monastic Order of the Yellow Rose is known equally for its acts of great loyalty to its allies and those of great destruction to its enemies. Monks of this Order frequently travel alongside paladins of Ilmater, serving as trusted guides and companions to these knights of the suffering lord.
Special Properties
Attack Bonus: + 3
Damage Bonus: Electrical 1
Use Limitation: Class Monk
Item Code: nw_it_mglove028
Gloves of the Yellow Rose +4
Also referred to as the Disciples of the Saint Sollars, the Monastic Order of the Yellow Rose is known equally for its acts of great loyalty to its allies and those of great destruction to its enemies. Monks of this Order frequently travel alongside paladins of Ilmater, serving as trusted guides and companions to these knights of the suffering lord.
Special Properties
Attack Bonus: + 4
Damage Bonus: Electrical 1
Use Limitation: Class Monk
Item Code: nw_it_mglove029
Gloves of the Yellow Rose +5
Also referred to as the Disciples of the Saint Sollars, the Monastic Order of the Yellow Rose is known equally for its acts of great loyalty to its allies and those of great destruction to its enemies. Monks of this Order frequently travel alongside paladins of Ilmater, serving as trusted guides and companions to these knights of the suffering lord.
Special Properties
Attack Bonus: + 5
Damage Bonus: Electrical 1
Use Limitation: Class Monk
Item Code: nw_it_mglove030
Grainstone Gloves
After a holy war between the Church of Shar and an alliance of the faiths of Kossuth, Lathander, and Selûne ended in an ambiguous stalemate (the Alliance of Light was too numerous to be eliminated, and the Order of the Dark Moon too insidious to be rooted out completely), Rialla Grainstone’s assassinations were curtailed by the leaders of the Order. In quiet meditation and martial study, she achieved the rank of Master of the Dark Moon, the highest rank below that of the leadership of the Order.
Over the years following the legendary war of assassination, Rialla Grainstone became a sort of myth among the faithful of Shar's enemies, particularly Selûne. Thought to have been killed during the war, her ghost was said to still stalk the worshippers of the moon goddess and snatch them away to Shar's dark realm. Her final fate is unrecorded, but the existence of several of her personal magic items outside the hands of the Order of the Dark Moon seems to suggest that she was unsuccessful in her final mission. Then again, maybe that's exactly what Rialla wants the world to think.
Special Properties
Use Limitation: Class Monk
On Hit Cast Spell: Daze Level 1
Item Code: n2_itset_mnk3
Great Wyrm Gauntlets
These bulky gauntlets were stitched from the flesh of a great wyrm slain many seasons ago. The slayer, known only as Redshadow, was a dragon disciple, rumored to be the child of the slain dragon. Their epic battle thundered across the skies over the Dragonsfire Mountains. When the great wyrm fell the ground shook in outrage. Redshadow made these powerful gauntlets and wore them till her own death at which point they disappeared, becoming just another part of the legend lost to time...
Special Properties
Attack Bonus: + 6
Damage Bonus: Fire 2d6
Decreased Ability Score: Dexterity -4
Item Code: x2_it_mglove022
Greater Gloves of Appraisal
At one time almost every successful merchant in Waterdeep was reputed to own a pair of these gloves. Embroidered with the image of the goddess Waukeen, the supple balance of the glove and the sheen of its silk are enhanced with a minor magic to help the wearer better gauge the weight and quality of gems and other small goods.
During the Interdeium of Waukeen, many lost faith in the Merchant's Friend, and many of these gloves were sold into general circulation on the open market.
Special Properties
Skill Bonus: Appraise + 6
Item Code: x0_it_mglove002
Greater Gloves of Concentration
As age began to creep up on him, Beregost Hamish found it difficult to concentrate while casting challenging spells. The gloves he developed relaxed his mind in even the direst of situations. Before he died, Beregost made a fortune selling replicas of the original gloves to others in his chosen profession.
Special Properties
Skill Bonus: Concentration + 6
Item Code: nw_it_mglove010
Greater Gloves of Spellcraft
In an effort to help stave off the expansion of the Mulhorand Theocracy, several Red Wizards of Thay worked together to create these gloves to assist the Magocracy that controls Unther. While the gloves assist mages in recognizing some of the powerful spells being cast, the superior numbers of the Mulhorand mages still gives them the advantage.
Special Properties
Skill Bonus: Spellcraft + 6
Use Limitation: Class Cleric
Use Limitation: Class Druid
Use Limitation: Class Sorcerer
Use Limitation: Class Wizard
Item Code: nw_it_mglove013
Greater Gloves of Swordplay
It was the infamous swashbuckler, Eisneid Clume who first requested magical assistance to help her parrying ability. She had been run through in seven duels before she had the gloves made. Once the gloves were in her possession, Eisneid won over thirty duels without a single scratch. Finally, word of her magical assets leaked out, and the level of swordplay in Hillsfar increased dramatically.
Special Properties
Skill Bonus: Parry + 6
Item Code: nw_it_mglove015
Greater Gloves of the Artificer
Though the true origin of gloves of this type is unknown, those sold in Waterdeep often claim to be functional replicas of a pair of gloves once used by Halaster Blackcloak to assist him in making the notorious traps of Undermountain.
Special Properties
Skill Bonus: Craft Trap + 6
Skill Bonus: Craft Alchemy + 6
Skill Bonus: Craft Armor + 6
Skill Bonus: Craft Weapon + 6
Item Code: x0_it_mglove004
Greater Gloves of the Minstrel
Lendoku Marhael was reputed to be one of the best performers of his generation. When his son, Gardoku, proved to be of only middling talent, Lendoku commissioned the development of these performance enhancers. The mage who developed the gloves heard of Gardoku's success and began selling similar gloves to Gardoku's competitors. The mage died shortly thereafter, outside a pub owned by the Marhael family.
Special Properties
Skill Bonus: Perform + 6
Use Limitation: Class Bard
Item Code: nw_it_mglove011
Hide Gloves
These gloves are crudely made from animal hide.
Special Properties
Item Code: gloves_hide
Invisible Gloves
Wearing gloves is usually just a matter of fashion, since they do not afford any protection unless infused with magic.
Special Properties
Item Code: n2_invis_gloves
Leather Gloves
These gloves are made of tanned leather.
Special Properties
Item Code: gloves_leather
Lesser Gauntlets of Ogre Power
While these magical items have been around for thousands of years, their popularity never seems to decrease. Recently, a party of adventurers out of Calimshan uncovered a vast treasure trove, filled with magical items like these. The sudden influx of magical gauntlets does not seem to have decreased their value, as every adventurer across the land clamors for the assistance of these useful artifacts.
Special Properties
Ability Bonus: Strength + 1
Item Code: nw_it_mbracer012
Nasher's Gloves of Combat
Lord Nasher of Neverwinter prides himself on his fighting capability and these gloves gave him an added bonus to his skillful parries. Wounded from an encounter with umber hulks, Nasher sought shelter in a small cave. The sneaky goblin living within snatched these gloves from Nasher and disappeared into the dark. This item is one of four other items that once belonged to Lord Nasher-- if worn together their magic grants the wearer additional benefits.
Special Properties
Skill Bonus: Parry + 5
Item Code: x2_nash_glove
Scale Gloves
These gloves are reinforced with scale mail.
Special Properties
Item Code: gloves_scale
The Industrious Hands of Pim
Halflings have a reputation for being merry and somewhat frivolous. Not so Pim Pebblefoot, a quiet, solemn halfling boy from a small village near the Gray Hills. When a traveling merchant reported seeing strange creatures skulking around the halfling burial grounds to the east, Pim volunteered to stand watch over the community's graves and eliminate the monsters before they could defile the tombs. Alone and unarmed save for his trusty bow, the keen-eyed young man stood vigil for three days and nights, driving away the strange demons that seemed intent on violating the community's tombs.
At last, on the third night, the demons came upon Pim en masse, swarming across the hillside like a carpet, but the halfling archer's long practice shooting rabbits in the evening served him well. When the village sent scouts to check on him the next morning, Pim was found weary but unharmed amidst the corpses of dozens of the strange creatures, each pierced by a single, fatal arrow.
Special Properties
Cast Spell: Haste (10) 1 Use/Day
Ability Bonus: Dexterity + 2
Use Limitation: Class Fighter
Item Code: n2_itset_ftr2
Wondrous Gloves
Maynard, a young genius of a bard (but with little wisdom to spare), found himself the victim of theft when the magic gloves that enhanced his memory were stolen. Instead of outwitting the rogues, Maynard simply recreated the gloves - over and over again. The finished product was stolen each time, and this eventually evolved into an odd working partnership, though never once did Maynard realize he was in business supplying his Wondrous Gloves.
Special Properties
Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Bard Level 0
Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Bard Level 1
Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Bard Level 2
Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Bard Level 3
Decreased Ability Score: Wisdom -1
Use Limitation: Class Bard
Item Code: nw_it_mglove001
Ysridain's Touch
Besides his prized lute, the seductive half-elven minstrel Ysridain's most valued possessions were his hands. During one of his most famous affairs, Ysridain managed to seduce one of the most powerful wizards in old Waterdeep. This wizard, Crestana, cherished Ysridain's company so much that she crafted anything he wanted at the slightest suggestion. The product of one such request was a pair of fine, thin gloves that protected Ysridain's hands and made him even more charming.
Though few believe that Ysridain needed the help, he accepted the gloves happily. Unfortunately for the wandering bard, Crestana had also imbued the gloves with a power that made it more difficult for him to lie. When Ysridain began an affair with a few other Waterdhavian ladies, Crestana quickly caught wind of it. Caught leaving the home of one lady, Ysridain tried to talk his way out of the situation. Due to her enchantments, Crestana quickly saw through Ysridain's lies. Crestana unleashed her full magical force on the bard in a public park. It was the end of him. Though local authorities understood Crestana's motivation, they had to make an example of her. They banished her from Waterdeep and she was never heard from again.
Special Properties
AC Bonus: + 3
Skill Bonus: Diplomacy + 3
Decreased Skill Modifier: Bluff -3
Use Limitation: Class Bard
Item Code: n2_itset_brd2