Bone Wand
This wand, carved from a piece of bone, seems to have no magic on it.
A character with the Craft Wand feat can cast any spell of 4th level or less on this item to create a magical wand containing that spell. Creating a wand costs gold pieces based on the relative power of the spell. Wands containing first level spells can cost a few thousand gold pieces while those made with higher level spells can cost tens of thousands. Warlock invocations cannot be used in the creation of wands. Newly crafted wands have 50 charges.
Special Properties
Wands cannot be equipped to any of your inventory slots. You may assign a wand to your quickslots.
Item Code: x2_it_cfm_wand
Magic Wand
The wand is potentially a magically-charged item. Powers and effects vary greatly.
Special Properties
Wands cannot be equipped to any of your inventory slots. You may assign a wand to your quickslots.
Item Code: x2_it_pcwand
Wand of Arcane Disjunction
Of all the items sold to adventurers and militias, Wands of Arcane Disjunction cause the most dissent and argument among wizards and sorcerers. While the market cannot be denied, some find it disturbing that spellcasters sell the very thing that may mean the death of one of their kind. Sellers don't mind the debate. Controversy means an increase in demand.
Special Properties
Cast Spell: Dispel Magic (5) 2 Charges/Use
Use Limitation: Class Bard
Use Limitation: Class Sorcerer
Use Limitation: Class Wizard
Wands cannot be equipped to any of your inventory slots. You may assign a wand to your quickslots.
Item Code: nw_wmgwn011
Wand of Fear
It was once thought that creating a Wand of Fear required the arm of a lich, but today that is scoffed at as peasant lore. While most examples do contain fragments of bone, the sample need not come from such a powerful undead creature. Ordinary skeletons serve just as well, and object far less to the procedure.
Special Properties
Cast Spell: Fear (5) 3 Charges/Use
Use Limitation: Class Bard
Use Limitation: Class Sorcerer
Use Limitation: Class Wizard
Wands cannot be equipped to any of your inventory slots. You may assign a wand to your quickslots.
Item Code: nw_wmgwn003
Wand of Fire
Wands of Fire draw upon a discipline of magic that has been studied and venerated for centuries, one whose practitioners are so varied that there can be no determining where the concept originated. It can be said, however, that most modern refinements in the design of such items occurred in Thay, where worship of the Firelord Kossuth is widespread.
Special Properties
Cast Spell: Fireball (5) 5 Charges/Use
Use Limitation: Class Bard
Use Limitation: Class Sorcerer
Use Limitation: Class Wizard
Wands cannot be equipped to any of your inventory slots. You may assign a wand to your quickslots.
Item Code: nw_wmgwn002
Wand of Frost
These icy wands are often created by spellcasters who worship the winter goddess Auril.
Special Properties
Use Limitation: Class Bard
Use Limitation: Class Sorcerer
Use Limitation: Class Wizard
Cast Spell: Ray of Frost (1) 1 Charge/Use
Wands cannot be equipped to any of your inventory slots. You may assign a wand to your quickslots.
Item Code: nw_wmgwn014
Wand of Lesser Summoning
The enchantment on a Wand of Summoning owes much to the ancient magics crafted by followers of forgotten beast totems, though the modern example can hardly be called a divinely inspired tool. Sorcerers and wizards take inspiration from many places, and the resulting mix of incantations can bear little resemblance to the rituals they might have once been a part of.
Special Properties
Cast Spell: Summon Creature II (3) 2 Charges/Use
Use Limitation: Class Bard
Use Limitation: Class Druid
Use Limitation: Class Ranger
Use Limitation: Class Wizard
Use Limitation: Class Sorcerer
Wands cannot be equipped to any of your inventory slots. You may assign a wand to your quickslots.
Item Code: nw_wmgwn013
Wand of Lightning
Wands of Lightning are highly unstable, at least in the early stages of their construction. Many an inexperienced caster has found his laboratory the site of a sudden squall or charged fog, having failed to speak the proper incantations in just the right manner. It is said that elder wizards have allowed tomes with faulty rituals to be circulated, hoping to indirectly teach some humility.
Special Properties
Cast Spell: Lightning Bolt (5) 5 Charges/Use
Use Limitation: Class Bard
Use Limitation: Class Sorcerer
Use Limitation: Class Wizard
Wands cannot be equipped to any of your inventory slots. You may assign a wand to your quickslots.
Item Code: nw_wmgwn007
Wand of Missiles
It is a popular bit of lore that the first wizard to encapsulate magical projectiles within an object like this was apparently drawn and quartered, accused of releasing arcane power to the masses. Most wizards and sorcerers scoff at this, citing that if every creator of wands were killed today, magic would indeed be a VERY exclusive club.
Special Properties
Cast Spell: Magic Missile (3) 1 Charge/Use
Use Limitation: Class Bard
Use Limitation: Class Sorcerer
Use Limitation: Class Wizard
Wands cannot be equipped to any of your inventory slots. You may assign a wand to your quickslots.
Item Code: nw_wmgwn004
Wand of Paralyzation
Those who create items of this type are not quick to let their names be known, as they are often accused of cruelty or treacherous behavior. As useful as Wands of Paralyzation are, they are forever linked to tales of strong warriors rendered helpless and forced to endure gods know what, and that never sits well with a tavern crowd.
Special Properties
Cast Spell: Hold Monster (7) 5 Charges/Use
Use Limitation: Class Bard
Use Limitation: Class Sorcerer
Use Limitation: Class Wizard
Wands cannot be equipped to any of your inventory slots. You may assign a wand to your quickslots.
Item Code: nw_wmgwn005
Wand of Sleep
Wands of Sleep are among the most stable and least expensive of magical wands, making them quite popular with adventurers. Though not instruments of mass destruction, when properly applied a Wand of Sleep can prove to be a powerful weapon against unexpected encounters with orcs, goblins and their ilk. Many adventuring parties owe their lives to the anonymous mage who first fashioned this simple but highly effective item.
Special Properties
Cast Spell: Sleep (2) 1 Charge/Use
Use Limitation: Class Bard
Use Limitation: Class Sorcerer
Use Limitation: Class Wizard
Use Limitation: Class Druid
Use Limitation: Class Ranger
Wands cannot be equipped to any of your inventory slots. You may assign a wand to your quickslots.
Item Code: nw_wmgwn012
Wand of Stinking Cloud
The magic contained within a Wand of Stinking Cloud is quite volatile, and these items are said to have caused more accidental adventuring deaths than any other arcane item. The foul vapors can unexpectedly overwhelm a party, but the potential danger rarely stops buyers from buying. Dungeon delving is not a calling for the overly cautious.
Special Properties
Cast Spell: Stinking Cloud (5) 3 Charges/Use
Use Limitation: Class Bard
Use Limitation: Class Sorcerer
Use Limitation: Class Wizard
Wands cannot be equipped to any of your inventory slots. You may assign a wand to your quickslots.
Item Code: nw_wmgwn010
Wand of Summoning
The powers of a Wand of Summoning owes much to the ancient spells crafted by followers of forgotten beast totems, though the modern example can hardly be called a divinely-inspired tool. Sorcerers and wizards take inspiration from many places, and the resulting mix of incantations often bears little resemblance to their original form.
Special Properties
Cast Spell: Summon Creature IV (7) 5 Charges/Use
Use Limitation: Class Bard
Use Limitation: Class Sorcerer
Use Limitation: Class Wizard
Use Limitation: Class Druid
Wands cannot be equipped to any of your inventory slots. You may assign a wand to your quickslots.
Item Code: nw_wmgwn008
Wand of the Heavens
Each Wand of the Heavens is a focus point and reservoir for divine power. According to sages, this power flows directly from the cosmos in a thematic rather than denominational fashion, and is thus available to all. Naturally, some say that this meandering description is no less confusing than the wishes of the individual gods themselves.
Special Properties
Cast Spell: Flame Strike (7) 5 Charges/Use
Use Limitation: Class Cleric
Use Limitation: Class Paladin
Use Limitation: Class Druid
Wands cannot be equipped to any of your inventory slots. You may assign a wand to your quickslots.
Item Code: nw_wmgwn009