Fear Aura

Type of Feat: Class

Prerequisite: Warpriest level 3

Specifics: At 5th level, a warpriest can create an aura of fear that affects all enemies within 20' once per day. Foes must make a Will save (DC 10 + warpriest class level + Cha modifier) or be affected by the fear spell.

Use: Selected, usable once per day.

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Implacable Foe

Type of Feat: Class

Prerequisite: Warpriest level 10

Specifics: At 10th level, a warpriest can bestow all allies within 30' (though not himself) an extra +20 hit points once per day. This ability halves the warpriest's movement for 10 rounds. After ten rounds, all recipients lose 20 hit points.

Use: Selected, usable once per day.

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Type of Feat: Class

Prerequisite: Warpriest level 2

Specifics: Starting at 2nd level, a warpriest can use this ability to grant himself and all allies with 40' a bonus to saving throws vs. fear and mind effects for five rounds once per day. This bonus is +2 at level 2 and becomes +4 at level 4, +6 at level 6 and +8 at level 10.

Use: Selected, usable once per day.

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War Glory

Type of Feat: Class

Prerequisite: Warpriest level 1

Specifics: All allies within 10' of the warpriest have +1 to hit, though the warpriest himself does not gain this bonus. All enemies within the same range suffer a -1 morale penalty to saving throws and this penalty cannot be resisted in any way (though leaving the radius instantly cancels the effect).

Use: Automatic. This aura is always in effect.

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Warpriest Spell (Battletide)

Type of Feat: Class

Prerequisite: Warpriest level 6

Specifics: Upon reaching 6th level, a warpriest may cast battletide once per day as a spell-like ability. The warpriest's class level is used to determine the caster level of this spell.

Use: Selected, usable once per day.

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Warpriest Spell (Haste)

Type of Feat: Class

Prerequisite: Warpriest level 7

Specifics: Upon reaching 7th level, a warpriest may cast haste three times per day as a spell-like ability. The warpriest's class level is used to determine the caster level of this spell.

Use: Selected, usable three times per day.

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Warpriest Spell (Mass Cure Light)

Type of Feat: Class

Prerequisite: Warpriest level 3

Specifics: Upon reaching 3rd level, a warpriest may cast mass cure light wounds once per day as a spell-like ability. The warpriest's class level is used to determine the caster level of this spell.

Use: Selected, usable once per day.

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Warpriest Spell (Mass Heal)

Type of Feat: Class

Prerequisite: Warpriest level 9

Specifics: Upon reaching 9th level, a warpriest may cast mass heal once per day as a spell-like ability. The warpriest's class level is used to determine the caster level of this spell.

Use: Selected, usable once per day.

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Warpriest Spell (Remove Fear)

Type of Feat: Class

Prerequisite: Warpriest level 1

Specifics: A warpriest may cast the remove fear spell once per day per level of warpriest.

Use: Selected.