Animal Companion
Type of Feat: Class
Prerequisite: Druid level 1, ranger level 4 or cleric with the Animal domain.
Specifics: An animal companion may be summoned (and unsummoned) by the character. An unsummoned companion can be recalled after a short cooldown time. If an animal companion is killed, it cannot be summoned again until the ranger or druid rests. (Note that a ranger's effective druid level is level - 3 for determining their animal companion's abilities. So a 4th level ranger has a the animal companion of a 1st level druid.)
Use: Selected.
Elemental Shape
Type of Feat: Class
Prerequisite: Druid level 16.
Specifics: The character with this ability can take the shape of an elemental (a huge elemental at 16th level, and an elder elemental at 20th level). The ability may be used once per day at level 16, twice per day at level 18, and three times per day at level 20. The transformation has a duration of 1 hour per class level.
Use: Selected. After choosing the ability, the character must choose one of four elemental types (earth, air, fire or water) to become.
Nature Sense
Type of Feat: Class
Prerequisite: Druid level 1.
Specifics: The druid gains a +2 bonus to Survival in all environments and a +2 bonus to Search and Spot while in wilderness areas.
Use: Automatic.
Resist Nature's Lure
Type of Feat: Class
Prerequisite: Druid level 4.
Specifics: This feat grants a +2 insight bonus on saving throws against fear spells and effects.
Use: Automatic.
Spontaneous Conversion
Type of Feat: Class
Prerequisite: Cleric or Druid level 1
Specifics: Clerics and Druids may used stored spell energy to spontaneously cast a spell of equal level. Good and neutral clerics may spontaneously cast healing spells, evil clerics may spontaneously cast harming spells, and druids may spontaneously cast summoning spells. For example, a chaotic good cleric could use up a casting of the 1st level spell detect undead to cast cure light wounds, a 1st level healing spell.
Use: Selected. Use the F key to access the Quick Cast menu and select the Spontaneous Conversion button in the upper-right corner of the menu. Select which spell you wish to convert into a healing, harming, or summoning spell as applicable to the character.
Trackless Step
Type of Feat: Class
Prerequisite: Ranger level 1 or druid level 3.
Specifics: This feat grants a +4 competence bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks when in wilderness areas.
Use: Automatic.
Venom Immunity
Type of Feat: Class
Prerequisite: Druid level 9.
Specifics: The druid is immune to all poisons.
Use: Automatic.
Wild Shape
Type of Feat: Class
Prerequisite: Druid
Specifics: The character with this ability can take the shape of an animal at will. It may be used once per day at fifth level, twice per day at sixth level, three times per day at seventh level, four times per day at 10th level, five times per day at 14th level, and six times per day at 18th level. The transformation has a duration of 1 hour per class level. Available shapes include bear, wolf, boar and badger. At 12th level, the druid may assume the dire form of any of these animals.
Use: Selected. After choosing the ability, the character must choose an animal form to take.
Woodland Stride
Type of Feat: Class
Prerequisite: Druid level 2, cleric with the Plant domain, or ranger level 7.
Specifics: The character is capable of moving through wilderness terrain at an increased rate. In any outdoor, natural area, the character's speed is increased by 10%.
Use: Automatic.