Aura of Courage
Type of Feat: Class
Prerequisite: Paladin level 3 or cleric with the Good domain.
Specifics: A character with this feat is immune to fear. Additionally, each ally within 10 feet gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects.
Use: Automatic.
Divine Grace
Type of Feat: Class
Prerequisite: Paladin level 2.
Specifics: Paladins add their Charisma bonus (if positive) to all saving throws.
Use: Automatic.
Divine Health
Type of Feat: Class
Prerequisite: Paladin level 3
Specifics: This feat grants the paladin immunity to disease.
Use: Automatic.
Lay on Hands
Type of Feat: Class
Prerequisite: Paladin level 2, Divine Champion level 1.
Specifics: With this feat, characters can heal damage equal to their class level multiplied by their Charisma modifier.
Use: Selected. When used against undead creatures, it is treated as a touch attack spell that delivers damage instead of healing.
Remove Disease
Type of Feat: Class
Prerequisite: Paladin level 6.
Specifics: A character with this feat may remove disease once per day. At 9th level, and every 3 levels thereafter, the paladin can remove disease one additional time per day.
Use: Selected.
Smite Evil
Type of Feat: Class
Prerequisite: Paladin level 1.
Specifics: This feat allows the character to make a special attack against evil creatures. Paladins apply their Charisma modifier to their attack roll, and their class level to the damage delivered. Smite Evil may be used once per day at 1st level. At 5th level and every five levels after that, the paladin gains an additional use per day.
Use: Selected. Smite Evil only affects evil creatures.
Turn Undead
Type of Feat: Class
Prerequisite: Cleric level 1, paladin level 4 or blackguard level 3.
Required for: Divine Might and Divine Shield.
Specifics: With this feat, the character can force undead to cower in terror or destroy them outright. This ability may be activated three times per day, plus the cleric's Charisma modifier. Paladins are treated as clerics of three levels lower than their actual paladin level for purposes of turning undead, while blackguards are treated as clerics of two levels lower than their actual blackguard level.
Use: Selected.